NINA-B41 series (u-connect)
Stand-alone Bluetooth 5.1 low energy modules
Indoor positioning explorer kit with NINA-B4 Bluetooth 5.1 module
XPLR-AOA-2 is an older generation product. For new designs see:
Direction finding explorer kit with ANT-B10 antenna board and EVB-ANT-1 development platform
u-blox Bluetooth 5.1 indoor positioning explorer kit
The XPLR-AOA-2 explorer kit provides everything needed to evaluate high accuracy positioning with Bluetooth 5.1 direction finding technology. The kit comprises 4 antenna boards (C211) and 4 tags (C209) as well as the necessary software for setting up a system to evaluate Angle-of-Arrival (AoA) technology for high accuracy positioning indoors.
The antenna boards, equipped with a NINA-B411 Bluetooth LE module, applies an angle calculation algorithm to extract the direction to the tag. The angle is calculated by the u-locateEmbed* software, running on the embedded MCU in NINA-B411. No additional processing is required, the angle is delivered directly from the USB port of the antenna board. For the tags there is also an example software available.
A PC positioning engine software is provided with the kit. It triangulates (2D) or trilaterates (3D) the position with the angle information from the antenna boards. The software connects to an IoT tracking platform from Traxmate. In this platform, the user can upload a floor plan of the room and easily deploy and configure the antenna boards, directly in the map. Then live tracking of the tags can be performed. A three months free trial license is included in the kit.
* Note: u-locateEmbed was previously named u-connectLocate.