
u-blox RTK application board package


  • Based on u-blox NEO-M8P-2 module
  • Application board for professional prototyping
  • Easy integration of RTK high accuracy solutions
  • Base and rover functionality
  • Integrated radio link

Product variants


C94-M8P Application Board package Two application boards, NEO-M8P-2 For China (433MHz)


C94-M8P Application Board package Two application boards, NEO-M8P-2 For USA/Canada (915MHz)


Europe (433 MHz)


Japan (920 MHz)

Related links
Product description
Kit includes
Further information
Documentation & resources

The C94-M8P application board allows efficient integration and evaluation of NEO-M8P, u-blox’s M8 high precision positioning module.

The NEO-M8P module series introduces the concept of a "Rover" and a "Base Station", bringing RTK technology to u-blox’s product portfolio. By using a data stream from the base station, the rover can output its relative position with stunning cm-level accuracy in

clear sky environments.

The C94-M8P application board integrates NEO-M8P-2 module with both base station and rover functionality. The C94-M8P includes a UHF radio link, allowing for easy setup and fast prototyping. The board also provides connector pins for u-blox C027 and other application boards, enabling communication alternatives using u-blox cellular and short-range technologies.

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