HR event

TalentIT 2015

04 November 2015 at 12:00

Aalto University, Otahalli, Otaranta 6, 02150 Espoo, Finland

Finland’s largest ICT recruiting event, TalentIT brings together an array of young IT whizzes, ICT employers and researchers interested in digital services, technology and the development of systems.

The event will include over 70 companies operating in the ICT sector and 2 500 guests interested in the field guaranteed to electrify the day with their questions, proposals, presentations, meetings and visions of the future.
TalentIT offers an effective opportunity for meetings and recruitment activities between current and future professionals in the ICT sector as well as young people interested in the field and for the strenghtening of the company’s employer image among a target group of interesting to the company.

The event reveals the diversity of the ICT sector from startups to large international companies and from companies in the various segments of the ICT sector to businesses utilising information technology.