OEM 车联网


乘着定位和短程通信技术的东风,汽车行业发展突飞猛进,车辆的安全、通信、自主性和算力已经提升到全新水平。 这些改进有助于革新驾驶体验,为司机和乘客带来更大安全性和舒适性。 但实现这个目标并非易事,需要工程技术人员考虑适合自动驾驶场景的精准定位能力,并利用通过蜂窝通信和 Wi-Fi 技术获得的大量车辆数据。 另外还需要整合各个生态系统运营商,包括汽车制造商、物流提供商甚至车辆保险商。 因此最理想的选择是构建一种能够监控车辆状态、跟踪轨迹、分析车辆周围环境、并与云平台、其他车辆和 V2X(车联网基础设施)交换数据的一体式互联解决方案。  

这种解决方案需要协调整合无线通信、定位、传感器和信息处理等各项技术。 考虑到经济适用性,Wi-Fi 将在整合通信技术方面发挥重要作用。 在紧急呼叫业务、不同提示服务以及其他需要车辆位置数据的用例中,定位解决方案所提供的定位数据将是关键因素。 同时,由于公路和高速道路网络中采用了 V2X 相关标准,车辆的安全性也将显著提升。 最后,这种综合解决方案需要提供全方位的互联驾舱体验,以满足目前驾驶员和乘客对于类似智能手机的乘坐体验的需求。 事实上,到 2030 年之前,全球将会有 95% 左右的车辆提供内置通信。

过去 25 年,u-blox 一直在开发适合高级 OEM 应用的高精度定位产品。 我们的前沿 Wi-Fi 6/6E 产品可助力实现技术转型,帮助 OEM 车联网行业实现其目标。 这些产品搭载了无线互联技术,可支持安全可靠、低延迟的通信链路,实现高清 (HD) 视频流、车内联网和热点功能。 u-blox 产品为构建一体式互联解决方案带来了可能性。

车联网和 V2X 用例:

Vehicle-to-everything communication (V2X)
V2X communication allows vehicles to communicate autonomously with nearby vehicles, roadside units, and the cloud to exchange vehicle data and relevant traffic, events, and status information to enable value-adding services, from early-warnings, pre-crash information gathering, and traffic flow optimization.
person using emergency call button in a car
Emergency calls (e.g.: eCall, E911)
Emergency call systems, such as eCall, automatically place a voice call to the relevant emergency number in the event of a car accident, along with relevant information on the vehicle’s location, its direction of travel, and other vital parameters related to the incident.
cars on the motorway connecting with each others
Connected driving experience
The telematics system can be used to securely exchange data to enable a variety of value-adding services, including predictive maintenance, insurance optimization, fleet maintenance and management, and updating shared maps with relevant information, offering a fully updated connected driving experience.
autonomous car driving through the tunnel
Connected driving for autonomous mobility
Connectivity is an essential enabler of autonomous mobility, whether it is to deliver updates to online digital SD or HD maps used for the localization function, to increase the vehicles awareness of its surrounds beyond line of sight by sharing vehicle data using V2X, or to enhance road safety by enabling early warning alerts based on data from other vehicles or the cloud.
car with a huge touchscreen
Software defined vehicle
The connectivity component of the telematics system gains even more importance with the emergence of the software-defined vehicle, which allows to expand the vehicles capabilities with the introduction of new services and use cases even during its life cycle, reducing the need for costly recalls and recreating the user experience we are familiar with from our smartphones.

如您对 u-blox OEM 车联网产品服务有任何疑问,我们的专家团队很乐意为您解答。


u-blox 车联网产品服务

u-blox 提供广泛的定位解决方案,适合车联网应用及其相关辅助和增强服务,以及短程通信 (WIFI/BT) 连接和蜂窝连接解决方案。

十多年来,u-blox 一直为车厂、一级供应商和车联网设备制造商等提供可靠的产品和服务,其实力和能力已经过市场的严格检验。

infographic presentin overall u-blox offering in OEM telematics

Key use cases for vehicle telematics

person using emergency call button in a car

Emergency calls (eCall SOS)

Emergency call systems, such as eCall, automatically place a voice call to the relevant emergency number in the event of a car accident. Additionally, they provide relevant information about the vehicle’s location, direction of travel, and other vital parameters related to the incident. 


Vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication

V2X communication enables vehicles to interact autonomously with other cars, roadside units, and the cloud to exchange telematics data, such as relevant traffic, events, and status information. This technology facilitates value-adding services like early warnings, pre-crash information gathering, and traffic flow optimization.

car with a huge touchscreen

Software-defined vehicle

The connectivity component of the telematics system becomes even more critical with the emergence of the software-defined vehicle. This advancement expands the vehicle's capabilities, reducing the necessity for expensive recalls, and recreates the user experience we have with our smartphones. 

如您对 u-blox OEM 车联网产品服务有任何疑问,我们的专家团队很乐意为您解答。
