安全性:至关重要text rays

u-blox旨在通过 u-safe 将安全性与自动化相结合,提供经济实惠的解决方案,从而彻底改变安全定位的方式







ISO 26262 是一项基于风险的标准级,标准针对的是车辆电子和电动车辆故障行为可能造成的危险情况。它使汽车系统的功能安全性正规化,并提供了一种结构化的方法。

环境。AD 应用程序从雷达、激光雷达、视频、超声波、摄像头、GNS S、IMU、地图数据等多个来源收集传感器数据。有了这些输入数据,感知和定位算法就能全面了解车辆周围的环境和精确位置,进而计算出安全轨迹。但问题是,传感器并不总是百分之百准确,因此会产生不确定性,影响对数据的信心。

对与整个系统及其环境相关的传感器数据进行的集体评估被称为 SOTIF(预期功能安全性)。因此,在定位方面,完整性是衡量任何定位解决方案所提供信息可信度的标准。

SOTIF 受 ISO-21448 规范,该规范为确保自动和自主车辆领域的预期功能安全性提供了指导和要求。


u-safe 是一个预先通过 ISO-26262/ASIL-B 认证的端到端定位解决方案,旨在加快自动驾驶汽车的应用。它包括校正数据服务提供商和车载定位引擎,目前已部署在道路上,为全球领先的 OEM 车厂提供高性能、可靠的车道定位。结合我们的功能安全芯片组和定制集成专业技术,u-safe 可提供端到端解决方案,瞄准适应未来需求的高级驾驶辅助系统 (ADAS) 架构。

u-safe logo

u-blox 和 GMV 联手为汽车级 ,汽车应用提供尖端的安全定位解决方案。

graphic presenting components of u-safe solution

Discover the full scope of u-locate with our comprehensive brochure, detailing all its features and benefits.
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关于 u-blox u-safe:端到端安全定位解决方案。



table presenting u-safe solution benefits
Scenario 1
Scenario 2
Scenario 3

A complete end-to-end indoor positioning solution.

u-locate: scenario 1 - a complete end-to-end indoor positioning solution

“I'm looking for a comprehensive location positioning solution that reduces time-to-market and requires minimal development.”

u locateHub is the u-blox locating middleware built on top of the u-locate solution. Based on the omlox™ standard, it minimizes your efforts, allowing you to focus on your application.

Solution benefits

The optimal combination between accuracy, cost and power consumption.

u-locate: key highlights


u-locate: warehouse full of packages


依靠这种有条件的自动化系统,乘客可以将手和眼睛从道路上移开,脱离驾驶任务并转场(转运)决策责任。因此,对周围环境的可靠检测至关重要。u-safe 可为车辆和周围环境提供必要的可靠性。

u-locate: smart building in the night

ADL4 和 ADL5:

对于这些高度和完全自动化的车辆来说,安全性将是至关重要的,因为它们将在没有驾驶员甚至没有人类监督的情况下运行。在高速公路上,AD L4 车辆(如长途卡车)将安全地长途运输货物和资产。在城市,AD L5 车辆将 使大众市场移动服务(MaaS)成为可能,包括共享自行车、共享电动车辆、共享乘车以及机器人封装送货。为此,u-safe 将成为促进这些车辆所需的必要安全性工具的领先解决方案。

u-locate: car assembly line

Industrial automation and monitoring

u-locate helps improve operational efficiency and enables higher-level use cases such as automated inventory management and optimized factory workflows. It also reduces costs by monitoring equipment and machinery utilization and by automating documentation of machinery inspections and staff safety.

u-locate: nurse and the patient in the room full of medical equipment


Looking for a solution to track the whereabouts of medical equipment, medications, staff, and even patients? u-locate helps you reduce asset search time and redundant equipment inventory, understand where and when critical medical equipment is being used, and limit patient roaming or access to restricted areas.

u-locate: cow with the tracker

Livestock management

u-locate balances accuracy, cost, and power consumption, making it an ideal solution for monitoring livestock health and behavior. Supported by our range of livestock tracking devices, you can track and monitor livestock and access data on location and movement history, speed, geofencing, inactivity alerts, and more.

u-locate: delivery robot on the street

Mobile robotics

RTLS plays a critical role in enhancing the performance of mobile robotic systems by providing accurate real-time location information. It supports fleet management, task allocation, inventory management, and collaboration of mobile robots. 

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