u-blox AT commands reference manual for the short range stand-alone modules. This document lists both the standard and proprietary AT commands for u-connectXpress based modules with Bluetooth low energy and Wi-Fi.
Document information
Title | NORA-W36 series u-connectXpress |
Subtitle | u-blox short range stand-alone modules |
Document type | Manual |
Document number | UBX-23010166 |
Revision and date | R03, 17-Dec-2024 |
Disclosure restriction | C1-Public |
This document applies to the following products
Product name | Software version |
NORA-W36 series | 2.0.0 |
For changes see Change log
u-blox or third parties may hold intellectual property rights in the products, names, logos, and designs included in this document. Copying, reproduction, or modification of this document or any part thereof is only permitted with the express written permission of u-blox. Disclosure to third parties is permitted for clearly public documents only.
The information contained herein is provided “as is” and u-blox assumes no liability for its use. No warranty, either express or implied, is given, including but not limited to, with respect to the accuracy, correctness, reliability, and fitness for a particular purpose of the information. This document may be revised by u-blox at any time without notice. For the most recent documents, visit www.u-blox.com.
Copyright © u-blox AG
The u-connectXpress AT command for Commands Manual provides the necessary information to successfully design in and configure the applicable u-blox short range modules.
This manual has a modular structure. It is not necessary to read it from the beginning to the end.
The following symbols are used to highlight important information within the manual:
u-blox short range modules provide at least one physical serial interface for configuration and data transport.
At module power on, the module enters the command mode. For more details on the command mode, see
For module and terminal connection and settings, see the corresponding evaluation kit user guide.
In this document, the following naming conventions are used:
The terms DCE and DTE are used in the serial interface context. The DCE interface can operate in the following
It is possible to switch from the Transparent mode (TM) and Transparent mode persistent (TMP)to command mode in the following ways:
• Using the escape sequence: For more details, see Escape Character S2
The AT commands configure and enable the short range module functionality according to 3GPP normative
and u-blox specifications. The AT commands are issued to the module via a hyper terminal through a command
line and are described in the following sections. A general description of each command is provided including
functionalities, correct syntax to be provided by the TE/DTE and allowed responses.
The command description defines each named parameter with its type, range (valid / acceptable values),
default value (when available) and factory default setting (when applicable).
In this document, are intentionally omitted in the command syntax. See Chapter 1.1.2 and
Chapter 1.1.4 for more information.
The AT commands are typically issued to the short range modules using a command line with the following
generic syntax:
The following rules are used when describing the command syntax:
If the command has optional parameters, and default values are not specified, the default values are assumed
as follows:
The response format is as follows:
The S-parameters, as specified in ITU-T recommendation V250, constitute a group of commands that begin
with the string "ATS". They are generally indicated as S registers and are used to configure the way the module
operates. Their syntax is:
The number following the "ATS" is the referenced S parameter.
u-blox short range modules support the following set of S-parameters (<parameter_number>):
Start up mode is AT mode by default, if Persistant Transparent mode is use see AT+UTMP command.
A set command configures preferred settings for the specified command. The set command is the only way to
set the preferred settings in the DCE. Parameters set with a set command will be used immediately and the
parameters can be stored to the start up database using &W.
Some Set commands requires a reboot before using. Store with &W and reset with +CPWROFF.
A read command provides current setting of the command parameters. It is used to find out the current
command configuration.
A status command provides current operating status of the module.
An unsolicited result code is a string message (provided by the DCE) that is not triggered as a information
text response to a previous AT command and can be output, when enabled, at any time to inform the DTE of
a specific event or status change. The URC can have the same name of the command that enables it or can
be enabled by another command.
The definition of each command specifies the data types used for values associated with the command. The
different data types are listed below and are described in the following subsections:
A string shall consist of a sequence of displayable characters from the ISO 8859-1 character set, except for characters \
, "
and some special characters, see table below. A string constant shall be delimited by two double quote "
characters, for example, "Donald Duck". If the double quote character "
is to be used within a string, for example, "My friend "Bono" is a singer", they have to be represented as the escape character \"
. If the backslash character \
is to be used within a string constant, it has to be represented as the escape character \\
. An empty string is represented by two adjacent delimiters - ""
Escape character | Special character |
\r | Carriage return |
\n | New line |
\t | Tab |
\b | Backspace |
\" | For using " character inside an AT string |
\\ | Backslash |
\0 | Null character |
\xHH | For representing any byte. HH is 2 hex characters |
An integer value consists of a sequence of characters, all in the range {0..9} plus a possible minus ("-") sign for
negative values. Numeric constants are expressed in decimal format only.
An enumerator value is actually an integer, where all its possible values are specified in each case. Only the
defined values are accepted for the command in question.
A Byte_Array consists of a sequence of characters expressed in two digit hexadecimal in the ranges {0..9}, {a..f}
and {A..F}. The hexadecimal values are grouped together without delimiters; an example of Byte_Array (three
values) is "800000" (Bit 23 is set), excluding the double quote characters.
An IPv4_Addr is a special text string in dotted decimal notation form (that is, four numbers in the range 0-255
separated by periods). An example IP address is "", excluding the double quote characters.
An IPv6_Addr is a special text string represented as eight groups of four hexadecimal digits, each group
representing 16 bits (two octets) and surrounded by brackets. The groups are separated by colons (:). An
example of an IPv6 address is "[2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334]", excluding the double quote
A MAC_Addr is a Byte_Array of fixed length (6 values). An example MAC_Addr is "01A0F7101C08", excluding
the double quote characters.
A Bd_Addr is a MAC_Addr followed an optional address type, "r" for random address and "p" for public address.
If the address type is omitted, it will default to public. An example Bd_Addr is "01A0F7101C08p", excluding the
double quote characters.
A List is a comma (,) separated list of items, where items can be any of the other data types. For example,
channel list is a list of integers, [1,6,11], inluding the two brackets characters. Example AT+UWCL=[1,6,11]
The binary data starts with \x01
(SOH - Start Of Header), following by the length of the data in two bytes format (UINT16) follwed by the binary data.
The binary data shall not be terminated with the normal \x0D
(\r - Carriage Return).
The binary header is three bytes: {0x01(SOH Start Of Header), MSB_datalength, LSB_datalength}
All commands and URC that use binary data are "complete" without the binary data, the binary data is sent directy after the AT command, in most case after the handle.
The AT command follows direcly by the binary data, without any "," or "\r" or anyting in between.
Example: AT+USOWB=0{0x01,0x00,0x02,0xFF,0xEE}
This command writes to socket 0, 2 bytes data the data is 0xFF 0xEE.
Note that the brackets { } should not be sent, only indicates the start and end of binary data.
Binary data for Socket, SPS and certicitate upload all use the same Binary data format.
This is the default data mode, the data is read out after an event has been received. It is possible to stop and control the incoming data flow.
In this mode the data is included in the received event, then data will be sent to the host as soon it is avaliable. It is not possible to stop the incoming data flow.
In this mode the data is sent and received without any AT commands, the limitation that this mode only works with a point-to-point connection.
This is the same as transparent mode, but can be storted in flash and be active at startup.
To simplify and kick-start the development of a host application interacting with the module running
u-connectXpress it is beneficial to use a host library.
u-blox provides the open source ubxlib host library, that simplifies the development of embedded applications
for u-blox products and services.
ubxlib interfaces with most common host SDKs and RTOS to simplify the development of embedded
applications for u-blox products and services. The ubxlib repository https://github.com/u-blox/ubxlib is hosted on GitHub.
AT Command | Description |
AT | Attention |
AT+CGMI | Manufacturer identification |
AT+GMI | Manufacturer identification |
AT+CGMM | Model identification |
AT+GMM | Model identification |
AT+CGMR | Software version identification |
AT+GMR | Software version identification |
AT+CGSN | Serial number |
AT+GSN | Serial number |
ATI | Identification information |
AT+CSGT | Greeting Text |
Attention command that determines the presence of a Data Communication Equipment (DCE).
AT Command
| Description |
AT | Attention command. |
Read a text string that identifies the manufacturer.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+CGMI | Read manufacturer text string. |
| Description |
<manufacturer> | Successful read response. Note: The manufacturer string is returned without any response prefix. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
manufacturer | string | Manufacturer ("u-blox"). |
Read a text string that identifies the manufacturer.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+GMI | Read manufacturer text string. |
| Description |
<manufacturer> | Successful read response. Note: The manufacturer string is returned without any response prefix. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
manufacturer | string | Manufacturer ("u-blox"). |
Read a text string that identifies the device model.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+CGMM | Read device model. |
| Description |
<device_model> | Successful read response. Note: The device_model string is returned without any response prefix. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
device_model | string | Device model |
Read a text string that identifies the device model.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+GMM | Read device model. |
| Description |
<device_model> | Successful read response. Note: The device_model string is returned without any response prefix. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
device_model | string | Device model |
Read a text string that identifies the software version of the module.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+CGMR | Read software version. |
| Description |
<version> | Successful read response. Note: The version string is returned without any response prefix. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
version | string | Version. |
Read a text string that identifies the software version of the module.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+GMR | Read software version. |
| Description |
<version> | Successful read response. Note: The version string is returned without any response prefix. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
version | string | Version. |
Read the product serial number.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+CGSN | Read serial number. |
| Description |
<serial_number> | Successful read response. Note: The serial_number string is returned without any response prefix. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
serial_number | string | Serial number. |
Read the product serial number.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+GSN | Read serial number. |
| Description |
<serial_number> | Successful read response. Note: The serial_number string is returned without any response prefix. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
serial_number | string | Serial number. |
Read identification information.
AT Command
| Description |
ATI9 | Read identification information. |
ATI10 | Read MCU ID. |
ATI0 | Read type code. |
| Description |
<application_version>,<unique_identifier> | Successful read response. Note: The application_version and unique_identifier strings are returned without any response prefix. |
<mcu_id> | Successful read response. Note: The mcu_id string is returned without any response prefix. |
<type_code> | Successful read response. Note: The type_code string is returned without any response prefix. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
application_version | string | Application version. |
unique_identifier | string | Unique identifier. |
mcu_id | string | Two byte hex string representing the MCU ID. |
type_code | string | Type code for the module. |
Configures and activates/deactivates the greeting text.
The configuration change in the greeting text will be applied at the subsequent boot.
When active, the greeting text is sent at boot once.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+CSGT=<greeting_mode>[,<text>] | Set the greeting text and mode. Notes: Requires AT&W and a reboot before taking effect. |
AT+CSGT? | Read the greeting text. |
| Description |
+CSGT:<greeting_mode>,<text> | Successful read response. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
greeting_mode | enumerator | Valid values: 0: Turn off the greeting text. 1: Turn on the greeting text. |
text | string | The greeting text. Note: Can not be an empty string. Valid length: 1..49 |
System AT commands
AT Command | Description |
AT+CPWROFF | Module switch off |
AT&W | Store current configuration |
AT+USYLA | Local Address |
AT+USYFR | Factory Restore |
AT+USYDS | Default Settings |
AT+USYUS | Uart Settings |
AT+USYFWUS | Firmware Update using serial port |
AT+USYBL | Start the boot loader command line interface |
AT+USYEC | Error Code |
AT+USYEE | Extended Error codes on/off |
ATE | Echo On/Off |
ATS | S-registers |
AT+UTMES | Transparent mode escape sequence settings |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+CPWROFF | Reboot the DCE. |
Store the current configuration to flash
AT Command
| Description |
AT&W | Write the current configuration to flash. The configuration is stored immediately when AT&W is issued. |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+USYLA=<interface_id> | Get interface address |
AT+USYLA=<interface_id>,<address> | Set interface address Notes: Requires AT&W and a reboot before taking effect. |
| Description |
+USYLA:<address> | Successful read response |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
interface_id | enumerator | Valid values: 0: Bluetooth 1: Wi-Fi station 2: Wi-Fi Access point |
address | mac_addr |
MAC address of the interface id. If the address is set to 000000000000, the local address will be restored to factory-programmed value. The least significant bit of the first octet of the must be 0. |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+USYFR | The module is completely restored to factory defaults. All settings are reset to default values. All certificates and Bluetooth bonding information will be removed. Notes: Requires AT&W and a reboot before taking effect. |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+USYDS | Reset all settings to default values. Certificates and Bluetooth bonding information will be left untouched. Notes: Requires AT&W and a reboot before taking effect. |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+USYUS=<baud_rate>[,<flow_control>[,<change_after_confirm>]] | Configure new UART settings that will be used after restart. Baudrates above 4000000 bps can be set, but are unsupported. Notes: Can be stored using AT&W. |
AT+USYUS? | Reads current UART settings from the module |
| Description |
+USYUS:<baud_rate>,<flow_control> | Successful read response |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
baud_rate | integer | Baudrate Valid values: 110..6000000 Default value: 115200 |
flow_control | integer | 0: No flow control 1: Use CTS/RTS flow control Valid values: 0 or 1 |
change_after_confirm | integer | 0: Switch baudrate after reboot. When set AT&W must be called. 1: Switch baudrate directly after status OK have been sent. Valid values: 0 or 1 |
Start serial port firmware upgrade. The module will indicate that it is ready to receive
the new firmware by regularly sending the XModem start byte C until either an XModem transfer has started,
or a timeout has occurred
AT Command
| Description |
AT+USYFWUS=<baud_rate>[,<flow_control>] | Start firmware upgrade on the serial port with provided settings |
AT+USYFWUS | Start firmware upgrade on the serial port with default settings, baudrate 115200 and no flow control |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
baud_rate | integer | Valid values: 110..6000000 Default value: 115200 |
flow_control | integer | Valid values: 0 or 1 Default value: 0 |
Force start of the boot loader. The boot loader will start at the defined baud rate.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+USYBL=<baud_rate>[,<flow_control>] | Force start of the boot loader. |
AT+USYBL | Force start of the boot loader with default settings. Baudrate 115200 and flow control off. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
baud_rate | integer | Valid values: 110..6000000 Default value: 115200 |
flow_control | integer | Valid values: 0 or 1 Default value: 0 |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+USYEC? | Read the last error code |
| Description |
+USYEC:<error_code> | Latest error code |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
error_code | integer | Error code |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+USYEE=<extended_errors> | Enable or disable extended error codes Notes: Can be stored using AT&W. |
AT+USYEE? | Read extended error codes enabled/disabled |
| Description |
+USYEE:<extended_errors> | Extended error codes setting |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
extended_errors | enumerator | Extended error codes setting Valid values: 0: (Factory default) Extended error codes will not be displayed 1: Extended error code will be displayed on every error |
This command configures whether or not the module echoes the characters received from the host.
AT Command
| Description |
ATE0 | Set echo off Notes: Can be stored using AT&W. |
ATE1 | Set echo on Notes: Can be stored using AT&W. |
ATE? | Read current echo setting |
| Description |
<echo_on> | Current echo setting |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
echo_on | enumerator | Valid values: 0: Module does not echo the characters 1: (Factory default) Module echoes the characters |
Used to set different configuration parameters
AT Command
| Description |
ATS2=<escape_char> | Write escape character. This settings change the decimal value of the escape character used by some modes, such as transparent mode for example, to detect an escape sequence and exit. Notes: Can be stored using AT&W. |
ATS2? | Read escape character |
ATS3=<line_term> | Write line termination character. This setting changes the decimal value of the character recognized by the DCE from the DTE to terminate an incoming command line. It is also generated by the DCE as part of the header, trailer, and terminator for result codes and information text along with the S4 parameter. The previous value of S3 is used to determine the command line termination character for entry of the command line containing the S3 setting command. However, the result code issued shall use the value of S3 as set during the processing of the command line. For example, if S3 was previously set to 13 and the command line "ATS3=30" is issued, the command line shall be terminated with a CR, character (13), but the result code issued will use the character with the ordinal value 30 instead of the CR. Notes: Can be stored using AT&W. |
ATS3? | Read line termination character |
ATS4=<resp_format> | Write response format character. This setting changes the decimal value of the character generated by the DCE as part of the header, trailer, and terminator for result codes and information text, along with the S3 parameter. If the value of S4 is changed in a command line, the result code issued in response to that command line will use the new value of S4. Notes: Can be stored using AT&W. |
ATS4? | Read response format character |
ATS5=<backspace> | Writes backspace character. This setting changes the decimal value of the character recognized by the DCE as a request to delete from the command line, the immediately preceding character. Notes: Can be stored using AT&W. |
ATS5? | Read backspace character |
| Description |
<escape_char> | Current escape character |
<line_term> | Current line termination character |
<resp_format> | Current response format character |
<backspace> | Current backspace character |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
line_term | integer | Command line termination character. Factory default: 13 Valid values: 0..127 |
resp_format | integer | Response format character. Factory default: 10 Valid values: 0..127 |
backspace | integer | Backspace character. Factory default: 8 Valid values: 0..127 |
escape_char | integer | Escape character. Factory default: 43 Valid values: 0..127 |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UTMES=<pre_timeout>,<post_timeout>,<escape_timeout> | Configures the transparent mode escape sequence settings. |
AT+UTMES? | Reads current transparent mode escape sequence settings. |
| Description |
+UTMES:<pre_timeout>,<post_timeout>,<escape_timeout> | Successful read response |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
pre_timeout | integer | Minimum time (ms) of no data activity required before the escape sequence is sent. Factory default: 1000 Valid values: 50..5000 |
post_timeout | integer | Minimum time (ms) of no data activity required after the escape sequence is sent. Factory default: 1000 Valid values: 50..5000 |
escape_timeout | integer | Maximum time interval (ms) between escape characters. Factory default: 200 Valid values: 50..5000 |
Bluetooth commands
AT Command | Description |
AT+UBTM | Bluetooth Mode |
AT+UBTC | Bluetooth Connect |
AT+UBTP | Bluetooth Persistent |
AT+UBTPR | Bluetooth Persistent Remove |
AT+UBTPL | Bluetooth Persistent List |
AT+UBTDC | Bluetooth Disconnect |
AT+UBTLN | Bluetooth Local Name |
AT+UBTD | Bluetooth Discovery |
AT+UBTBGD | Bluetooth Background Discovery |
AT+UBTRSS | Bluetooth RSSI |
AT+UBTCL | Bluetooth Connection List |
AT+UBTCST | Bluetooth Connection Status |
AT+UBTAD | Bluetooth Advertising Data |
AT+UBTSD | Bluetooth Scan Data |
AT+UBTA | Bluetooth Advertisements |
AT+UBTDA | Bluetooth Directed Advertisement |
AT+UBTCS | Bluetooth Connection Settings |
AT+UBTAS | Bluetooth Advertisement Settings. |
AT+UBTIOC | Bluetooth I/O Capabilities |
AT+UBTBSM | Bluetooth Bond Security Mode |
AT+UBTPM | Bluetooth Pairing Mode |
AT+UBTUC | Bluetooth User Confirmation |
AT+UBTUPE | User passkey entry |
AT+UBTB | Bluetooth Bond |
AT+UBTUB | Bluetooth Unbond |
AT+UBTBDL | Bluetooth Bonded Devices List |
AT+UBTDIS | Bluetooth Device Information Service |
AT+UBTPHYR | Bluetooth PHY Request |
Set and read Bluetooth Mode.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UBTM=<bt_mode> | Set Bluetooth Mode. Notes: Requires AT&W and a reboot before taking effect. |
AT+UBTM? | Read Bluetooth Mode. |
| Description |
+UBTM:<bt_mode> | Successful read response. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
bt_mode | enumerator | Valid values: 0: Disabled. 1: Bluetooth Low Energy Central. In this mode, starting advertisements, direct advertisements and other functions associated with the Peripheral role is not possible. 2: Bluetooth Low Energy Peripheral. In this mode, initiating connections, discovery and other functions associated with the Central role is not possible. 3: Bluetooth Low Energy Simultaneous Central and Peripheral. This is the factory default for NORA-W36. |
Make an ACL connection to a remote device with defined protocol type. Unsolicited events +UEBTC or +UEBTDC will be sent out to confirm the connection establishment.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UBTC=<bd_addr> | Initiate connection. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
bd_addr | bd_addr | Bluetooth device address of the remote device. |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UBTP=<bd_addr>,<connect_sps> | Configure an ACL link with automatic re-connection. As opposed to AT+UBTC, this command will not initiate a connection directly but is used for storing a connection configuration persistently so that the link is automatically setup on boot. See also AT+USOP Notes: Requires AT&W and a reboot before taking effect. |
| Description |
+UBTP:<config_id> | Successful write response, returning a configuration id identifying the configuration |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
bd_addr | bd_addr | Bluetooth device address of the remote device. |
connect_sps | integer | Should start a SPS connection when ACL link is up. Integer Boolean flag 0 = No, 1 = Yes Valid values: 0 or 1 |
config_id | integer | Configuration id Valid values: 200 only |
Remove a Persistent Bluetooth Connection configuration
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UBTPR=<config_id> | Removes a persistent bluetooth connection configuration Notes: The corresponding link will be automatically disconnected Can be stored using AT&W. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
config_id | integer | Configuration id Valid values: 200 only |
List all configured persistent bluetooth connections
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UBTPL? | List the currently configured Persistent Bluetooth Connections |
| Description |
+UBTPL:<config_id>,<bd_addr>,<connect_sps> | Successful read response |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
config_id | integer | Configuration id Valid values: 200 only |
bd_addr | bd_addr | Bluetooth device address of the remote device. |
connect_sps | integer | Should start a SPS connection when ACL link is up. Integer Boolean flag 0 = No, 1 = Yes Valid values: 0 or 1 |
Used to close an ACL connection.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UBTDC=<conn_handle> | Close an existing ACL connection. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
conn_handle | integer | Connection handle of the Bluetooth low energy connection. |
Set the local name used as device name for Bluetooth Classic, in the advertising data of the device and in the Device Information service for Bluetooth low energy.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UBTLN? | Reads the local Bluetooth device name. |
AT+UBTLN=<device_name> | Writes the local Bluetooth device name. Notes: Can be stored using AT&W. |
| Description |
+UBTLN:<device_name> | Successful read response. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
device_name | string | For Bluetooth low energy the maximum size is 29 characters. Valid length: 0..29 |
Performs a discovery procedure to find any advertising devices in the vicinity.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UBTD | Start discovery using default parameters |
AT+UBTD=<discovery_type>[,<discovery_mode>[,<discovery_length>]] | Start discovery. |
| Description |
+UBTD:<bd_addr>,<rssi>,<device_name>,<data_type>,<data> | This response is sent for every found device. If no name is found, <device_name> is an empty string, if is set to Active, both Scan responses and Advertisements will be shown. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
discovery_type | enumerator | Valid values: 0: All with no filter. Displays all found devices; devices can be displayed multiple times. 1: General inquiry. Displays devices in General or Limited discoverability mode; each device is displayed only once. |
discovery_mode | enumerator | Valid values: 0: Active discovery. 1: Passive, no scan response data will be received. Default value: 0 |
discovery_length | integer | Timeout measured in milliseconds. Time range: 10 ms - 40 s Valid values: 10..40000 Default value: 5000 |
device_name | string | Name of the discovered device. |
data_type | enumerator | Valid values: 0: Scan response data. 1: Advertise data. |
data | byte_array | Complete advertise/scan response data received from the remote device. |
bd_addr | bd_addr | Bluetooth device address of the remote device. |
rssi | integer | Received signal strength in dBm. |
Start a background discovery.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UBTBGD=<background_discovery_mode> | Start/Stop background discovery |
AT+UBTBGD? | Read background discovery mode |
| Description |
+UBTBGD:<background_discovery_mode> | Successful read response |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
background_discovery_mode | enumerator | Valid values: 0: Set background discovery off 1: Set background discovery on |
Returns the current received RSSI for a specified Bluetooth connection.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UBTRSS=<conn_handle> | Returns the current RSSI for a specified Bluetooth connection. |
| Description |
+UBTRSS:<rssi> | Successful response. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
conn_handle | integer | Connection handle of the Bluetooth low energy connection. |
rssi | integer | Received signal strength in dBm. |
List all active Bluetooth low energy ACl connections.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UBTCL | List all Bluetooth low energy ACL connections. |
| Description |
+UBTCL:<conn_handle>,<bd_addr> | Sent for every connection. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
conn_handle | integer | Connection handle of the Bluetooth low energy connection. |
bd_addr | bd_addr | Bluetooth device address of the remote device. |
Read negotiated properties of a Bluetooth low energy ACL connection.
Some of the properties are a result of negotiation when a connections is set up, and this command gives the possibility
to see what properties the connection actually uses.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UBTCST=<conn_handle> | Read all properties of an existing Bluetooth low energy ACL connection. |
AT+UBTCST=<conn_handle>,<property_id> | Read a specific property of an existing Bluetooth low energy ACL connection. |
| Description |
+UBTCST:<property_id>,<status_val> | One response for each property_id. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
status_val | integer | Value of the preceding property. |
property_id | enumerator | Valid values: 0: Connection interval used on this connection. Range: 6 to 3200 Time = status_val * 1.25 ms Time range: 7.5 ms to 4000 ms 1: Peripheral latency for the connection in number of connection events. Range: 0 to 499 2: Supervision timeout (in ms) for this connections. Range: 100 ms to 32000 ms 3: MTU size for this connections. 4: Data Channel TX PDU Payload Length. 5: Data Channel RX PDU Payload Length. 6: Data Length Extension state. 0: Data Length Extension Off \ 1: Data Length Extension On 7: Local role in this connection. 1: Low Energy Central \ 2: Low Energy Peripheral 8: TX Phy used in this connection Bit 0: 1 Mbps Bit 1: 2 Mbps Bit 2: reserved for future use 9: RX Phy used in this connection Bit 0: 1 Mbps Bit 1: 2 Mbps Bit 2: reserved for future use |
conn_handle | integer | Connection handle of the Bluetooth low energy connection. |
Command for setting custom advertising data in Bluetooth low energy. Maximum of 28 bytes.
Any custom advertising data will be appended to the default mandatory flags field.
Note that the AT command AT+UBTD supports scan modes that can be used to see the complete advertising data.
This is useful when testing the advertising configurations set with the AT+UBTAD. By default, the service UUID for the u-blox Serial Port Service is part of the advertising data.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UBTAD=<adv_data> | Write custom advertising data. Notes: Can be stored using AT&W. |
AT+UBTAD? | Read custom advertising data. |
| Description |
+UBTAD:<adv_data> | Successful read response. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
adv_data | byte_array | Valid length: 2..28 |
Command for setting custom scan response data in Bluetooth low energy. Any custom scan response data will override the default scan response data. By default, the local name is part of the scan response data.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UBTSD=<scan_rsp_data> | Write scan response data. Notes: Can be stored using AT&W. |
AT+UBTSD? | Read scan response data. |
| Description |
+UBTSD:<scan_rsp_data> | Successful read response. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
scan_rsp_data | byte_array | Valid length: 1..31 |
Command for enabling and disabling advertisements
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UBTA=<adv_mode> | Set advertisements on or off. Notes: Can be stored using AT&W. |
AT+UBTA? | Read advertisement mode. |
| Description |
+UBTA:<adv_mode> | Successful read response. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
adv_mode | enumerator | Valid values: 0: Set Bluetooth Advertisements off 1: Set Bluetooth Advertisements on |
Start a directed advertisement to a given Bluetooth Address
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UBTDA=<bd_addr>[,<timeout>] | Starts directed advertisements to Bluetooth Address. If bd_addr is FFFFFFFFFFFF, direct advertisements will be disabled. By default the timeout is 1280 ms, and uses High Duty Cycle Advertising. A timeout greater than this will result in Low Duty Cycle Advertising as High Duty Cycle Advertising has a limited use of only 1280 ms. Setting timeout to 0 will let the device advertise indefinitely in Low Duty Cycle mode. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
timeout | integer | Timeout for Directed Advertisements. Default value: 1280 |
bd_addr | bd_addr | Bluetooth device address of the remote device. |
Get and set connection related settings
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UBTCS0=<connection_interval_minimum> | Write connection interval minimum. Notes: Can be stored using AT&W. |
AT+UBTCS0? | Read Connection Interval minium. |
AT+UBTCS1=<connection_interval_maximum> | Write connection interval maximum. Notes: Can be stored using AT&W. |
AT+UBTCS1? | Read Connection Interval maximum. |
AT+UBTCS2=<connection_peripheral_latency> | Write connection peripheral latency. Notes: Can be stored using AT&W. |
AT+UBTCS2? | Read connection peripheral latency. |
AT+UBTCS3=<connection_linkloss_timeout> | Write connection linkloss timeout. Notes: Can be stored using AT&W. |
AT+UBTCS3? | Read connection linkloss timeout. |
AT+UBTCS4=<preferred_tx_phy> | Write Preferred TX PHY. Notes: Can be stored using AT&W. |
AT+UBTCS4? | Read Preferred TX PHY. |
AT+UBTCS5=<preferred_rx_phy> | Write Preferred RX PHY. Notes: Can be stored using AT&W. |
AT+UBTCS5? | Read Preferred RX PHY. |
AT+UBTCS? | Read all Bluetooth Configuration param values. |
| Description |
+UBTCS0:<connection_interval_minimum> | Successful read of connection interval minimum. |
+UBTCS1:<connection_interval_maximum> | Successful read of connection interval maximum. |
+UBTCS2:<connection_peripheral_latency> | Successful read of connection peripheral latency. |
+UBTCS3:<connection_linkloss_timeout> | Successful read of connection linkloss timeout. |
+UBTCS4:<preferred_tx_phy> | Successful read of Preferred TX PHY. |
+UBTCS5:<preferred_rx_phy> | Successful read of Preferred RX PHY. |
+UBTCS:<param>,<value> | Successful read response for AT+UBTCS. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
connection_interval_minimum | integer | Connection interval minimum (must be <= Connection interval maximum). Final results will be a result of negotiation between devices. Default: 24. Calculation: connection_interval_minimum * 1.25. ms Valid values: 6..3200 Default value: 24 |
connection_interval_maximum | integer | Connection interval maximum (must be >= Connection interval minimum). Final results will be a result of negotiation between devices. Default: 40. Calculation: connection_interval_maximum * 1.25 ms. Valid values: 6..3200 Default value: 40 |
connection_peripheral_latency | integer | Connection peripheral latency. Default: 0 Calculation: Number of connection events. Valid values: 0..500 Default value: 0 |
connection_linkloss_timeout | integer | Connection linkloss timeout. Default: 2000 Calculation: connection_linkloss_timeout ms Valid values: 100..32000 Default value: 2000 |
preferred_tx_phy | integer | Preferred Transmitter PHY 0: Let other side decide OR a bit field with three bits: Bit 0: 1 Mbps preferred Bit 1: 2 Mbps preferred Bit 2: reserved for future use Valid values: 0..7 Default value: 0 |
preferred_rx_phy | integer | Preferred Receiver PHY 0: Let other side decide OR a bit field with three bits: Bit 0: 1 Mbps preferred Bit 1: 2 Mbps preferred Bit 2: reserved for future use Valid values: 0..7 Default value: 0 |
param | enumerator | Connection parameter. Valid values: 0: Connection interval minimum. 1: Connection interval maximum. 2: Connection peripheral latency. 3: Connection linkloss timeout. 4: Preferred Transmitter PHY 5: Preferred Receiver PHY |
value | integer | Value of connection parameter. Valid values: 0..65535 |
Get and Set Advertisement Settings.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UBTAS0=<advertisement_interval_minimum> | Write advertisement interval minimum. |
AT+UBTAS0? | Read advertisement Interval miniumum. |
AT+UBTAS1=<advertisement_interval_maximum> | Write advertisement interval maximum. |
AT+UBTAS1? | Read advertisement Interval maximum. |
AT+UBTAS? | Read all Advertising parameter setting values. |
| Description |
+UBTAS0:<advertisement_interval_minimum> | Successful read of connection interval minimum. |
+UBTAS1:<advertisement_interval_maximum> | Successful read of advertisement interval maximum. |
+UBTAS:<adv_param>,<value> | Successful read response for AT+UBTAS?. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
advertisement_interval_minimum | integer | Advertising interval minimum (must be <= Advertising interval maximum. Default: 1600. Calculation: advertisement_interval_minimum * 0.625 ms) Valid values: 32..16384 Default value: 1600 |
advertisement_interval_maximum | integer | Advertising interval maximum (must be >= Advertising interval minimum. Default: 2000. Calculation: advertisement_interval_maximum * 0.625 ms) Valid values: 32..16384 Default value: 2000 |
value | integer | Value of advertisement parameter. Valid values: 0..65535 |
adv_param | enumerator | Advertisement parameter. Valid values: 0: Advertisement interval minimum. 1: Advertisement interval maximum. |
Set Bluetooth I/O Capabilities, this impacts the possible bonding procedure between devices.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UBTIOC=<io_capabilities> | Set I/O Capabilities Notes: Can be stored using AT&W. |
AT+UBTIOC? | Read I/O Capabilities |
| Description |
+UBTIOC:<io_capabilities> | Successful read response for AT+UBTIOC?. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
io_capabilities | enumerator | Valid values: 0: Set I/O Capabilities to No Input No Output. 1: Set I/O Capabilities to Display Only. 2: Set I/O Capabilities to Display Yes/No 3: Set I/O Capabilities to Keyboard Only. 4: Set I/O Capabilities to Keyboard Display. Default value: 0 |
Set the security mode of the device. This command works together with AT+UBTIOC to determine the bonding procedure used.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UBTBSM=<bt_security_mode> | Writes the security mode Notes: Can be stored using AT&W. |
AT+UBTBSM? | Reads the security mode |
| Description |
+UBTBSM:<bt_security_mode> | Successful read response for AT+UBTBSM? |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
bt_security_mode | enumerator | Valid values: 0: Security Disabled. 1: Allow unauthenticated bonding. 2: Only allow authenticated bonding. 3: Only allow authenticated bonding with encrypted Bluetooth link. Fallback to simple pairing if the remote side does not support secure connections. 4: Only allow authenticated bonding with encrypted Bluetooth link. Strictly uses secure connections. Default value: 0 |
Enable or disable pairing.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UBTPM=<pairing_mode> | Writes the pairing mode. Notes: Can be stored using AT&W. |
AT+UBTPM? | Read current pairing mode. |
| Description |
+UBTPM:<pairing_mode> | Successful read response for AT+UBTPM? |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
pairing_mode | enumerator | Valid values: 0: Disable pairing mode. 1: Enable pairing mode. Default value: 0 |
The user confirmation is used together with IO capability DisplayYesNo to repond to a user confirmation request (+UEBTUC). The command shall be used only after +UEBTUC has been received.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UBTUC=<bd_addr>,<yes_no> | Respond to +UEUBTUC and confirm/deny bonding. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
bd_addr | bd_addr | Bluetooth device address of the remote device. |
yes_no | enumerator | Valid values: 0: Deny bonding. 1: Confirm bonding. |
The user passkey entry is used together with IO capability KeyboardOnly to respond on a user passkey entry request (+UEBTUPE). This command shall be used only after +UEBTUPE has been received.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UBTUPE=<bd_addr>,<yes_no>[,<passkey>] | Respond to +UEBTUPE event and confirm/deny bonding. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
passkey | integer | Passkey used to confirm bonding, if yes_no is set to no, this can be omitted. Valid values: 0..999999 |
bd_addr | bd_addr | Bluetooth device address of the remote device. |
yes_no | enumerator | Valid values: 0: Deny bonding. 1: Confirm bonding. |
Performs a GAP bond procedure with another Bluetooth device. For some I/O Capabilities, user interaction is required during the bonding procedure. The procedure to use is determined by the I/O Capabilities and security mode.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UBTB=<bd_addr> | Initiate bonding. To perform the bonding, the remote device must be in a pairable and connectable mode. Bond Event +UEBTB is genereated once the bond is complete. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
bd_addr | bd_addr | Bluetooth device address of the remote device. |
Unbond from a previously bonded device.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UBTUB=<bd_addr> | Removes a single previously bonded device. |
AT+UBTUB | Removes all previously bonded devices. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
bd_addr | bd_addr | Bluetooth device address of the remote device. |
These AT commands will remove the bond from the local device only.
Reads the list of bonded devices.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UBTBDL | Read list of bonded devices. |
| Description |
+UBTBDL:<bd_addr> | This response is sent for every found device. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
bd_addr | bd_addr | Bluetooth device address of the remote device. |
Write and read the module's Device Information Service (DIS) characteristics.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UBTDIS=<characteristic_id>,<characteristic_value> | Set a characteristic value. Notes: Can be stored using AT&W. |
AT+UBTDIS=<characteristic_id> | Read a characteristic value. |
AT+UBTDIS? | Read all individual characteristic of the Device Information Service characteristics. |
| Description |
+UBTDIS:<characteristic_id>,<characteristic_value> | Successful read response. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
characteristic_id | enumerator | Valid values: 0: Manufacturer name string. Maximum length of the custom string is 31 characters. 1: Model name string. Maximum length of the custom string is 20 characters. 2: Firmware revision string. Maximum length of the custom string is 20 characters. 3: Software revision string. Maximum length of the custom string is 20 characters. |
characteristic_value | string | Value of Device Information Service characteristic. |
Request a new PHY configuration for a connection. If tx PHY or rx PHY is 0, the module will select PHYs
based on the peer requirements on that specific direction. If the peer does not support the PHY update procedure,
then the resulting +UEBTPHYU event will have a error status other than success.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UBTPHYR=<conn_handle>,<tx_phy>,<rx_phy> | Requests a Bluetooth Low Energy PHY update. |
AT+UBTPHYR=<conn_handle> | Reads current PHYs for a connection. |
| Description |
+UBTPHYR:<conn_handle>,<tx_phy>,<rx_phy> | Successful read response. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
conn_handle | integer | Connection handle of the Bluetooth low energy connection. |
tx_phy | integer | Requested PHY for Transmitter: 0: Let other side decide OR a bit field with three bits: Bit 0: 1 Mbps preferred Bit 1: 2 Mbps preferred Bit 2: Coded PHY (S=8). Not supported by NORA-W36 Valid values: 0..7 |
rx_phy | integer | Requested PHY for Receiver 0: Let other side decide OR a bit field with three bits: Bit 0: 1 Mbps preferred Bit 1: 2 Mbps preferred Bit 2: Coded PHY (S=8). Not supported by NORA-W36 Valid values: 0..7 |
Unsolicited Response Code | Description |
+UEBTC | Event Bluetooth Connected |
+UEBTDC | Event Bluetooth Disconnected |
+UEBTB | Event Bluetooth Bond status |
+UEBTUC | Event Bluetooth User Confirmation |
+UEBTUPD | Event Bluetooth Passkey entry |
+UEBTUPE | Event Bluetooth Passkey request |
+UEBTPHYU | Event Bluetooth PHY update |
Event indicating successful Bluetooth connection.
Syntax +UEBTC:<conn_handle>,<bd_addr>
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
conn_handle | integer | Connection handle of the Bluetooth low energy connection. |
bd_addr | bd_addr | Bluetooth device address of the remote device. |
Event indicating a disconnected Bluetooth connection.
Syntax +UEBTDC:<conn_handle>
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
conn_handle | integer | Connection handle of the Bluetooth low energy connection. |
Event indicates that a bonding procedure is completed.
Syntax +UEBTB:<bd_addr>,<bond_status>
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
bd_addr | bd_addr | Bluetooth device address of the remote device. |
bond_status | enumerator | Bonding status Valid values: 0: Bonding procedure succeeded. 1: Bonding procedure failed due to page timeout. 2: Bonding failed because of authentication or pairing failed. This could be due to incorrect PIN/passkey. 3: Bonding failed because the protection against Man-In-The-Middle attack could not be guaranteed; the generated link key was too weak. |
This event is used while bonding with IO capability DisplayYesNo. This event indicates that the user confirmation of a numeric value is required.
Syntax +UEBTUC:<bd_addr>,<numeric_value>
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
bd_addr | bd_addr | Bluetooth device address of the remote device. |
numeric_value | integer | Numeric value. Valid values: 0..999999 |
This event is used to indicate to the user that a passkey has to be entered on the remote device during a bonding procedure with the IO capability DisplayOnly.
Syntax +UEBTUPD:<bd_addr>,<numeric_value>
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
bd_addr | bd_addr | Bluetooth device address of the remote device. |
numeric_value | integer | Numeric value. Valid values: 0..999999 |
This event is used during bonding with IO capability KeyboardOnly to indicate that a passkey is required from the user. User should respond to this event with the AT+UBTUPE command.
Syntax +UEBTUPE:<bd_addr>
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
bd_addr | bd_addr | Bluetooth device address of the remote device. |
This event informs the result of a PHY update procedure. It may be generated as a result of the command AT+UBTPHYR or as a successful event, if the operation has been initiated by the remote peer.
Syntax +UEBTPHYU:<conn_handle>,<phy_status>,<tx_phy>,<rx_phy>
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
conn_handle | integer | Connection handle of the Bluetooth low energy connection. |
phy_status | integer | Bluetooth status codes: 0: Success 0x01-0xFF: Error, see Bluetooth Core Specifications, Vol 2, Part D. Valid values: 0..255 |
tx_phy | integer | Requested PHY for Transmitter: 0: Let other side decide OR a bit field with three bits: Bit 0: 1 Mbps preferred Bit 1: 2 Mbps preferred Bit 2: Coded PHY (S=8). Not supported by NORA-W36 Valid values: 0..7 |
rx_phy | integer | Requested PHY for Receiver 0: Let other side decide OR a bit field with three bits: Bit 0: 1 Mbps preferred Bit 1: 2 Mbps preferred Bit 2: Coded PHY (S=8). Not supported by NORA-W36 Valid values: 0..7 |
GATT Client
AT Command | Description |
AT+UBTGPSD | GATT Primary Services Discover |
AT+UBTGPSDU | GATT Primary Services Discover by UUID |
AT+UBTGSCD | GATT Service Characteristics Discover |
AT+UBTGCDD | GATT Characteristic Descriptors Discover |
AT+UBTGRU | GATT Read characteristic by UUID |
AT+UBTGCCW | GATT Client Configuration Write |
AT+UBTGWNR | GATT Write with No Response |
AT+UBTGWL | GATT Write long |
List all GATT services on the GATT server.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UBTGPSD=<conn_handle> | Discover all primary services on the remote device. |
| Description |
+UBTGPSD:<conn_handle>,<start_handle>,<end_handle>,<uuid> | This response is sent for each service found. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
conn_handle | integer | Bluetooth Low Energy connection handle. |
start_handle | integer | Service start handle. |
end_handle | integer | Service end handle. |
uuid | byte_array | UUID of attribute. Either 16-bit or 128-bit. |
Discovers all primary services by UUID on the remote device.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UBTGPSDU=<conn_handle>,<uuid> | Start discovery. |
| Description |
+UBTGPSDU:<conn_handle>,<start_handle>,<end_handle> | This response is sent for each service found. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
conn_handle | integer | Bluetooth Low Energy connection handle. |
uuid | byte_array | UUID of attribute. Either 16-bit or 128-bit. |
start_handle | integer | Service start handle. |
end_handle | integer | Service end handle. |
This command will list all characteristics belonging to a service on the GATT server.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UBTGSCD=<conn_handle>,<start>,<end> | Discover all characteristics of a service. |
| Description |
+UBTGSCD:<conn_handle>,<attr_handle>,<properties>,<value_handle>,<uuid> | This response is sent for each characteristic found. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
start | integer | Service start handle. |
end | integer | Service end handle. |
attr_handle | integer | Attribute handle of the characteristic |
properties | byte_array | Bit mask describing the properties of the characteristic |
conn_handle | integer | Bluetooth Low Energy connection handle. |
value_handle | integer | Attribute handle of the characteristic value. |
uuid | byte_array | UUID of attribute. Either 16-bit or 128-bit. |
Discover Characteristics Descriptors. This command will list all descriptors of a characteristic on the GATT server.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UBTGCDD=<conn_handle>,<value_handle>,<characteristic_end_handle> | Discover all descriptors of a characteristic. |
| Description |
+UBTGCDD:<conn_handle>,<char_handle>,<desc_handle>,<uuid> | This response is sent for each descriptor found. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
char_handle | integer | Characteristic handle. |
characteristic_end_handle | integer | End handle of characteristic to which descriptor discovery is being performed. |
desc_handle | integer | Descriptor handle. |
conn_handle | integer | Bluetooth Low Energy connection handle. |
value_handle | integer | Attribute handle of the characteristic value. |
uuid | byte_array | UUID of attribute. Either 16-bit or 128-bit. |
Read a characteristic value.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UBTGR=<conn_handle>,<value_handle> | Reads the characteristic; all bytes included. |
| Description |
+UBTGR:<conn_handle>,<value_handle>,<hex_data> | Successful read response. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
conn_handle | integer | Bluetooth Low Energy connection handle. |
value_handle | integer | Attribute handle of the characteristic value. |
hex_data | byte_array | Characteristic data in hexadecimal form. For example, 070809AABBCC |
Read GATT characteristic values by UUID.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UBTGRU=<conn_handle>,<start>,<end>,<uuid> | Read all the characteristics by UUID. It will read all the bytes in each characteristic. |
| Description |
+UBTGRU:<conn_handle>,<value_handle>,<hex_data> | Successful read response. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
start | integer | Start handle. |
end | integer | End handle. |
conn_handle | integer | Bluetooth Low Energy connection handle. |
uuid | byte_array | UUID of attribute. Either 16-bit or 128-bit. |
value_handle | integer | Attribute handle of the characteristic value. |
hex_data | byte_array | Characteristic data in hexadecimal form. For example, 070809AABBCC |
Write a characteristic value.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UBTGW=<conn_handle>,<value_handle>,<hex_data> | Write the characteristic value. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
conn_handle | integer | Bluetooth Low Energy connection handle. |
value_handle | integer | Attribute handle of the characteristic value. |
hex_data | byte_array | Characteristic data in hexadecimal form. For example, 070809AABBCC |
Write characteristic configuration to enable notifications or indications.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UBTGCCW=<conn_handle>,<desc_handle>,<config> | Writes the client characteristic configuration. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
desc_handle | integer | Descriptor handle. |
config | enumerator | Valid values: 0: None 1: Enable notifications 2: Enable indications 3: Enable notifications and indications |
conn_handle | integer | Bluetooth Low Energy connection handle. |
Write the characteristic with no response message from the remote side.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UBTGWNR=<conn_handle>,<value_handle>,<hex_data> | Write characteristic. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
conn_handle | integer | Bluetooth Low Energy connection handle. |
value_handle | integer | Attribute handle of the characteristic value. |
hex_data | byte_array | Characteristic data in hexadecimal form. For example, 070809AABBCC |
Write a long characteristic.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UBTGWL=<conn_handle>,<value_handle>,<hex_data>,<reliable>,<flag>,<offset> | Write long characteristic. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
reliable | enumerator | Valid values: 0: Not reliable 1: Reliable |
flag | enumerator | Valid values: 0: Final data 1: More data 2: Cancel |
offset | integer | |
conn_handle | integer | Bluetooth Low Energy connection handle. |
value_handle | integer | Attribute handle of the characteristic value. |
hex_data | byte_array | Characteristic data in hexadecimal form. For example, 070809AABBCC |
Unsolicited Response Code | Description |
+UEBTGCN | Event GATT Client Notification |
+UEBTGCI | Event GATT Client Indication |
GATT Client Notification. This event is received when the remote side sends a notification.
Syntax +UEBTGCN:<conn_handle>,<value_handle>,<hex_data>
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
conn_handle | integer | Bluetooth Low Energy connection handle. |
value_handle | integer | Attribute handle of the characteristic value. |
hex_data | byte_array | Characteristic data in hexadecimal form. For example, 070809AABBCC |
GATT Client Indication. This event is received when the remote side sends an indication.
Syntax +UEBTGCI:<conn_handle>,<value_handle>,<hex_data>
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
conn_handle | integer | Bluetooth Low Energy connection handle. |
value_handle | integer | Attribute handle of the characteristic value. |
hex_data | byte_array | Characteristic data in hexadecimal form. For example, 070809AABBCC |
GATT Server
AT Command | Description |
AT+UBTGS | GATT Service define |
AT+UBTGC | GATT Characteristic define |
AT+UBTGHCC | GATT Host Controlled Characteristic |
AT+UBTGD | GATT Descriptor define |
AT+UBTGSA | GATT Service Activate. |
AT+UBTGRRR | GATT Read Request Respond |
AT+UBTGNS | GATT Notification Send |
AT+UBTGIS | GATT Indication Send |
AT+UBTGAV | GATT Attribute Value |
AT+UBTGRRRE | GATT Read Request Respond with error code |
AT+UBTGWRE | GATT Write Respond with Error code |
AT+UBTGWRR | GATT Write Request Respond |
AT+UBTGSCI | GATT Service Changed Indication |
Command to define a GATT service according to a 16-bit Service Assigned Number from Bluetooth SIG or a 128-bit user defined service number.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UBTGS=<uuid> | Defines a service. |
| Description |
+UBTGS:<ser_handle> | Successful write response. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
uuid | byte_array | UUID of service. This can be either 16 bit or 128 bit. |
ser_handle | integer | Handle of the created service. |
Command to add a GATT characteristic to the most recent GATT service record created with AT+UBTGS.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UBTGC=<uuid>,<properties>,<security_read>,<security_write>,<value>[,<max_length>] | Create a new characteristic in the GATT table for a GATT server. The CCCD for the characteristic, if applicable, is created here. Extended properties such as CPFD, CUDD, and SCCD are not supported. |
| Description |
+UBTGC:<value_handle>,<cccd_handle> | Successful write response. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
uuid | byte_array | UUID of characteristic. This can be either 16 bit or 128 bit. |
value | byte_array | Default characteristic value before any value is pushed to it. A characteristic value can be 244 bytes long. |
max_length | integer | Maximum length of the characteristic in bytes. The maximum value is 244 bytes. Valid values: 1..244 |
value_handle | integer | Added characteristic handle. |
cccd_handle | integer | CCCD characteristic handle. This value is zero if there is no CCCD. |
properties | byte_array | Property value (a bit field): Broadcast: 0x01 - If set, it allows broadcasts of the Characteristic Value using Characteristic Configuration Descriptor. Read: 0x02 - If set, it allows reads of the Characteristic Value. Write Without Response: 0x04 - If set, it allows writing of the Characteristic Value without response. Write: 0x08 - If set, it allows writing of the Characteristic Value with response. Notify: 0x10 - If set, it allows notifications of a characteristic value. Indicate: 0x20 - If set, it allows indication of a characteristic value with acknowledgement. Authenticated Signed Writes: 0x40 - If set, it allows signed writes to the characteristic value. Reserved Bit: 0x80 - Do not use. Reserved for future use. Valid length: 1 only |
security_read | enumerator | Valid values: 1: No encryption required. 2: Unauthenticated encryption required. 3: Authenticated encryption required. |
security_write | enumerator | Valid values: 1: No encryption required. 2: Unauthenticated encryption required. 3: Authenticated encryption required. |
Create a new host controlled characteristic in the GATT table for a GATT server. The CCCD for the characteristic, if applicable, is created here. Extended properties such as CPFD, CUDD, and SCCD are not supported.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UBTGHCC=<uuid>,<properties>,<security_read>,<security_write> | Define a characteristic. |
| Description |
+UBTGHCC:<value_handle>,<cccd_handle> | Successful write response. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
uuid | byte_array | UUID of characteristic. This can be either 16 bit or 128 bit. |
value_handle | integer | Value handle of the added characteristic. |
cccd_handle | integer | Client Characteristic Configuration Descriptor (CCCD) handle of the added characteristic. This value is zero if there is no CCCD. |
properties | byte_array | Property value (a bit field): Broadcast: 0x01 - If set, it allows broadcasts of the Characteristic Value using Characteristic Configuration Descriptor. Read: 0x02 - If set, it allows reads of the Characteristic Value. Write Without Response: 0x04 - If set, it allows writing of the Characteristic Value without response. Write: 0x08 - If set, it allows writing of the Characteristic Value with response. Notify: 0x10 - If set, it allows notifications of a characteristic value. Indicate: 0x20 - If set, it allows indication of a characteristic value with acknowledgement. Authenticated Signed Writes: 0x40 - If set, it allows signed writes to the characteristic value. Reserved Bit: 0x80 - Do not use. Reserved for future use. Valid length: 1 only |
security_read | enumerator | Valid values: 1: No encryption required. 2: Unauthenticated encryption required. 3: Authenticated encryption required. |
security_write | enumerator | Valid values: 1: No encryption required. 2: Unauthenticated encryption required. 3: Authenticated encryption required. |
Define a vendor defined descriptor. Standard Bluetooth low energy descriptors such as CCCD are created while creating the characteristic in AT+UBTGC command.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UBTGD=<uuid>,<security_read>,<security_write>,<value>[,<max_length>] | Define descriptor. |
| Description |
+UBTGD:<desc_handle> | Successful write response. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
uuid | byte_array | UUID of characteristic. This can be either 16 bit or 128 bit. |
value | byte_array | Descriptor value. This can be 23 bytes long. |
max_length | integer | Maximum length of the descriptor in bytes. The maximum value is 23 bytes. Valid values: 1..23 |
desc_handle | integer | Handle of the created descriptor. |
security_read | enumerator | Valid values: 1: No encryption required. 2: Unauthenticated encryption required. 3: Authenticated encryption required. |
security_write | enumerator | Valid values: 1: No encryption required. 2: Unauthenticated encryption required. 3: Authenticated encryption required. |
Activate the service defined with the AT+UBTGS command. After this command is issued, it is not possible to add more characteristics or descriptors to the service.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UBTGSA | Activate current defined service. |
Respond to an unsolicited request to read (see +UEBTGRR) from a remote GATT client.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UBTGRRR=<conn_handle>,<value> | Responds to read request. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
conn_handle | integer | GAP handle of the connected device. |
value | byte_array | Characteristic value. This can be 244 bytes long. |
Send notifications to a remote client. This also updates the value of the characteristic.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UBTGNS=<conn_handle>,<char_handle>,<value> | Send notification |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
conn_handle | integer | GAP handle of the connected device. |
char_handle | integer | Characteristic value handle. |
value | byte_array | Characteristic value. The maximum length is the current MTU size - 3. |
Send indication to a remote client. This also updates the value of the characteristic.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UBTGIS=<conn_handle>,<char_handle>,<value> | Send notification |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
conn_handle | integer | GAP handle of the connected device. |
char_handle | integer | Characteristic value handle. |
value | byte_array | Characteristic value. The maximum length is the current MTU size - 3. |
Update the value of an attribute. In case of characteristics which allow indications and notifications, this command will update the value without sending any indications or notifications to the remote side.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UBTGAV=<attr_handle>,<value> | Set attribute value. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
attr_handle | integer | Attribute handle. |
value | byte_array | Characteristic value. This can be 244 bytes long. |
Respond to read request with application error code.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UBTGRRRE=<conn_handle>,<error_code> | Respond with error code. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
conn_handle | integer | GAP handle of connected device. |
error_code | byte_array | Application error code. Allowed value range: 0x80-0x9F Valid length: 1 only |
Respond to write operation with application error code.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UBTGWRE=<conn_handle>,<error_code> | Respond with error code. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
conn_handle | integer | GAP handle of connected device. |
error_code | byte_array | Application error code. Allowed value range: 0x80-0x9F Valid length: 1 only |
Accept write request from GATT client.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UBTGWRR=<conn_handle> | Respond to write request. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
conn_handle | integer | GAP handle of connected device. |
Sends an indication to the remote peer client that the attribute table of the local GATT server has changed.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UBTGSCI=<conn_handle>,<start_handle>,<end_handle> | Send Service Changed Indication. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
conn_handle | integer | GAP handle of connected device. |
start_handle | integer | Start of the affected attribute handle range. |
end_handle | integer | End of the affected attribute handle range. |
Unsolicited Response Code | Description |
+UEBTGCW | Event GATT Server Write |
+UEBTGRR | Event GATT Server Read Response |
+UEBTGIC | Event GATT Server Indication Confirmation |
Unsolicited response code for GATT Server. This event occurs when a remote client writes to an attribute.
Syntax +UEBTGCW:<conn_handle>,<value_handle>,<value>,<options>
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
conn_handle | integer | GAP connection handle. |
value_handle | integer | Characteristic value handle. |
value | byte_array | The data as hex string. For example, 070809AABBCC |
options | enumerator | Valid values: 0: Write without Response performed 1: Write with Response performed 2: Write long performed |
Unsolicited response code for GATT Server. This event occurs when a remote client reads an attribute over the air. The event should be responded with AT+UBTGRRR.
Syntax +UEBTGRR:<conn_handle>,<value_handle>
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
conn_handle | integer | Handle of the connected device. |
value_handle | integer | Handle of the characteristic value. |
Unsolicited response code for GATT Server. This event occurs when a remote GATT client acknowledges the receipt of an indication message sent using AT+UBTGIS.
Syntax +UEBTGIC:<conn_handle>,<char_handle>
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
conn_handle | integer | Connected device handle. |
char_handle | integer | Characteristic value handle. |
SPS - Serial Port Service
AT Command | Description |
AT+USPSC | SPS Connect |
AT+USPS | SPS - Enable/Disable Service |
AT+USPSWS | SPS Write String |
AT+USPSWB | SPS Write Binary |
AT+USPSRM | SPS Receive Mode |
AT+USPSRS | SPS Read String |
AT+USPSRB | SPS Read Binary |
SPS connect on connected Bluetooth device
AT Command
| Description |
AT+USPSC=<conn_handle>[,<flow_control>] | SPS connect on connected Bluetooth device |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
conn_handle | integer | Connection handle of remote peer |
flow_control | integer | Flow control: 0 - no flow control, 1 - flow control |
Enable or disable the SPS service
AT Command
| Description |
AT+USPS=<sps_service_option> | Enables or disable the SPS Service. Notes: Can be stored using AT&W. |
AT+USPS? | Read if the SPS service is enabled or disabled. |
| Description |
+USPS:<sps_service_option> | Successful read response. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
sps_service_option | enumerator | Valid values: 0: This option disables the SPS service after saving the configuration and restarting the device. (Default) 1: This option enables the SPS service directly. If this option is set, and the configuration is saved, SPS will be enabled after reboot. |
Write to a peer through SPS
AT Command
| Description |
AT+USPSWS=<conn_handle>,<string_data> | Write SPS data |
| Description |
+USPSWS:<conn_handle>,<written_length> | Successful write response |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
conn_handle | integer | Connection handle of remote peer which has SPS enabled |
string_data | string | Data encoded as ascii chars. Valid length: 1..1000 |
written_length | integer | Data length that was written. |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+USPSWB=<conn_handle>{binary_data} | Writes the specified amount of data to the specified SPS connection in binary mode. Max 1000 bytes. |
| Description |
+USPSWB:<conn_handle>,<written_length> | Successful write response |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
conn_handle | integer | Connection handle of remote peer which has SPS enabled |
binary_data | binary | The data to write. |
written_length | integer | Data length that was written. |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+USPSRM=<read_mode> | Set the mode in which to receive SPS data in AT mode. Notes: Can be stored using AT&W. |
AT+USPSRM? | Read mode set. |
| Description |
+USPSRM:<read_mode> | Successful read response. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
read_mode | enumerator | Modes to read data in AT Valid values: 0: Buffered mode 1: Direct String mode 2: Direct Binary Mode |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+USPSRS=<conn_handle>,<length> | Reads the specified amount of data from given connection handle. Note that the data should include no null terminator characters. |
| Description |
+USPSRS:<conn_handle>,<length>,<string_data> | Successful read response. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
length | integer | Data bytes to read. Valid values: 0..1000 |
conn_handle | integer | Connection handle of remote peer |
string_data | string | SPS data in string format |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+USPSRB=<conn_handle>,<length> | Reads the specified amount of data from the specified connection handle in binary mode. |
| Description |
+USPSRB:<conn_handle>{binary_data} | Successful read response. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
length | integer | Data bytes to read. Valid values: 0..1000 |
binary_data | binary | The available data. Please note that the number of bytes may be less than requested. |
conn_handle | integer | Connection handle of remote peer |
Unsolicited Response Code | Description |
+UESPSC | Event SPS Connection |
+UESPSDC | Event SPS Disconnection |
+UESPSDS | Event SPS Data String |
+UESPSDB | Event SPS Data Binary |
+UESPSDA | Event SPS Data Available |
Event response for SPS Connect. Upon a successful SPS connection, conn_handle will contain the connection handle of the remote peer.
Syntax +UESPSC:<conn_handle>
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
conn_handle | integer | Connection handle of remote peer |
Event response for SPS Connect. Upon a SPS disconnection, conn_handle will contain the connection handle of the remote peer.
Syntax +UESPSDC:<conn_handle>
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
conn_handle | integer | Connection handle of remote peer |
Unsolicited event containing SPS data as a string received from remote peer.
Syntax +UESPSDS:<conn_handle>,<string_data>
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
conn_handle | integer | Connection handle of remote peer |
string_data | string | SPS data in string format |
Unsolicited event containing SPS data in binary format.
Syntax +UESPSDB:<conn_handle>{binary_data}
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
binary_data | binary | The received data. |
conn_handle | integer | Connection handle of remote peer |
Unsolicited event containing the number of received bytes to read.
Syntax +UESPSDA:<conn_handle>,<number_bytes>
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
number_bytes | integer | Number of bytes available to read. |
conn_handle | integer | Connection handle of remote peer |
Wi-Fi Commands
AT Command | Description |
AT+UWHN | Wi-Fi Host Name |
AT+UWSSE | Wi-Fi Station Enterprise security |
AT+UWSS | Wi-Fi Security Config |
AT+UWSSP | Wi-Fi Station PEAP security |
AT+UWSSW | Wi-Fi Station Security WPA |
AT+UWSSO | Wi-Fi Station Security Open |
AT+UWSCP | Wi-Fi Station Connection Parameters |
AT+UWSIPS | Wi-Fi Station IP Static configuration |
AT+UWSIPD | Wi-Fi Station IP with DHCP |
AT+UWSIP | Wi-Fi Station IP configuration |
AT+UWSC | Wi-Fi Station Connect |
AT+UWSDC | Wi-Fi Station Disconnect |
AT+UWSNST | Wi-Fi Station Network Status |
AT+UWRD | Wi-Fi Regulatory Domain |
AT+UWSSC | Wi-Fi Station Scan |
AT+UWSST | Wi-Fi Station Status |
AT+UWAPA | Wi-Fi Access Point Activate |
AT+UWAPD | Wi-Fi Access Point Deactivate |
AT+UWAPCP | Wi-Fi AP Connection Parameters |
AT+UWAPSW | Wi-Fi AP Security WPA |
AT+UWAPSO | Wi-Fi AP Security Open |
AT+UWAPS | Wi-Fi AP Security |
AT+UWAPCS | Wi-Fi Access Point Connected Stations |
AT+UWAPNST | Wi-Fi Access Point Network Status |
AT+UWSROE | Wi-Fi Station Roaming Enable/Disable |
AT+UWSROS | Wi-Fi Station Roaming Settings |
Set hostname for Wi-Fi interfaces. Note that AP and Station will both use the stored hostname
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UWHN=<host_name> | Set the Host Name Notes: Can be stored using AT&W. |
AT+UWHN? | Reads the current hostname |
| Description |
+UWHN:<host_name> | Successful read response |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
host_name | string | Valid length: 0..40 Default value: NORA-W36-xxxxxxxxxxxx where xxxxxxxxxxxx is the Wi-Fi station mac address If the hostname is set to "" it will be restored to the factory value after reset |
Configure enterprise security. Certificates must be uploaded to the module before being used in this command, see AT+USECUB
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UWSSE=<wlan_handle>,<ca_name>,<client_cert_name>,<client_key_name> | Set the EAP-TLS connection parameters to use. Notes: Can be stored using AT&W. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
wlan_handle | integer | Handle to use for Wi-Fi config and connection Valid values: 0 only |
ca_name | string | Name of the certificate authority (CA) certificate to use Valid length: 1..32 |
client_cert_name | string | Name of the client certificate to use Valid length: 1..32 |
client_key_name | string | Name of the private key for client certificate Valid length: 1..32 |
identity | string | Identity for EAP-TLS Valid length: 1..31 |
Read the current security parameter configuration, for Wi-Fi station
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UWSS=<wlan_handle> | Get the current Wi-Fi station security config |
| Description |
+UWSS:<wlan_handle>,<security_mode>,<wpa_threshold> | Response if security mode is WPA |
+UWSS:<wlan_handle>,<security_mode> | Response if security mode is Open |
+UWSS:<wlan_handle>,<security_mode>,<ca_name>,<client_cert_name>,<client_key_name>,<identity> | Response if security mode is EAP-TLS |
+UWSS:<wlan_handle>,<security_mode>,<username>,<ca_name> | Response if security mode is PEAP |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
wlan_handle | integer | Handle to use for Wi-Fi config and connection Valid values: 0 only |
security_mode | enumerator | The current security mode. Valid values: 0: Open security 1: WPA security 2: EAP-TLS security 3: PEAP security |
wpa_threshold | enumerator | Lowest WPA version to connect to Valid values: 0: Only connect to access points that support WPA2 or up 1: Only connect to access points that support WPA3 Default value: 0 |
ca_name | string | Name of the certificate authority (CA) certificate to use Valid length: 1..32 |
client_cert_name | string | Name of the client certificate to use Valid length: 1..32 |
client_key_name | string | Name of the private key for client certificate Valid length: 1..32 |
username | string | User name for PEAP authentication. Valid length: 1..31 |
identity | string | Identity for EAP-TLS Valid length: 1..31 |
Configure PEAP security. CA certificate must be uploaded first if used here, see AT+USECUB
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UWSSP=<wlan_handle>,<peap_user>,<peap_password>[,<ca_name>] | Set the PEAP connection parameters to use. Notes: Can be stored using AT&W. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
wlan_handle | integer | Handle to use for Wi-Fi config and connection Valid values: 0 only |
peap_user | string | User name for PEAP authentication. Could be either only username or username@domain. Use @ as separator Valid length: 1..31 |
peap_password | string | Password for PEAP authentication. Valid length: 1..31 |
ca_name | string | Name of the certificate authority (CA) certificate to use Valid length: 1..32 |
Configure WPA security
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UWSSW=<wlan_handle>,<passphrase>,<wpa_threshold> | Set WPA connection parameters to use Notes: Can be stored using AT&W. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
wlan_handle | integer | Handle to use for Wi-Fi config and connection Valid values: 0 only |
passphrase | string | Passphrase to use for WPA connection Valid length: 8..63 |
wpa_threshold | enumerator | Lowest WPA version to connect to Valid values: 0: Only connect to access points that support WPA2 or up 1: Only connect to access points that support WPA3 Default value: 0 |
Configure open security
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UWSSO=<wlan_handle> | Sets security to open security Notes: Can be stored using AT&W. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
wlan_handle | integer | Handle to use for Wi-Fi config and connection Valid values: 0 only |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UWSCP=<wlan_handle>,<ssid> | Sets the connection parameters for the connection. Notes: Can be stored using AT&W. |
AT+UWSCP=<wlan_handle> | Reads the connection parameters for the connection. |
| Description |
+UWSCP:<wlan_handle>,<ssid> | Successful read response |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
wlan_handle | integer | Handle to use for Wi-Fi config and connection Valid values: 0 only |
ssid | string | SSID Valid length: 0..32 |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UWSIPS=<wlan_handle>,<ip_addr>,<subnet_mask>,<gateway>[,<prim_dns>[,<sec_dns>]] | Sets ip configuration to use static ip Notes: Can be stored using AT&W. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
wlan_handle | integer | Handle to use for Wi-Fi config and connection Valid values: 0 only |
ip_addr | ip_addr | Static IPv4 address Default value: |
subnet_mask | ip_addr | Subnet mask Default value: |
gateway | ip_addr | IPv4 gateway address Default value: |
prim_dns | ip_addr | IPv4 primary dns address Default value: |
sec_dns | ip_addr | IPv4 secondary dns address Default value: |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UWSIPD=<wlan_handle> | Sets ip configuration to receive ip address via dhcp Notes: Can be stored using AT&W. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
wlan_handle | integer | Handle to use for Wi-Fi config and connection Valid values: 0 only |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UWSIP=<wlan_handle> | Read the current configuration for IP address assignment |
| Description |
+UWSIP:<wlan_handle>,<ip_mode> | Response if IP mode is DHCP |
+UWSIP:<wlan_handle>,<ip_mode>,<ip_addr>,<subnet_mask>,<gateway>,<prim_dns>,<sec_dns> | Response if IP mode is set to be static |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
wlan_handle | integer | Handle to use for Wi-Fi config and connection Valid values: 0 only |
ip_mode | enumerator | IP assignment Valid values: 0: DHCP 1: Static IP |
ip_addr | ip_addr | Static IPv4 address Default value: |
subnet_mask | ip_addr | Subnet mask Default value: |
gateway | ip_addr | IPv4 gateway address Default value: |
prim_dns | ip_addr | IPv4 primary dns address Default value: |
sec_dns | ip_addr | IPv4 secondary dns address Default value: |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UWSC=<wlan_handle> | Initiate connection to Wi-Fi network Notes: Can be stored using AT&W. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
wlan_handle | integer | Handle to use for Wi-Fi config and connection Valid values: 0 only |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UWSDC | Disconnect from Wi-Fi network |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UWSNST=<status_id> | Show current status of Wi-Fi station network interface |
AT+UWSNST? | Show current status of Wi-Fi station network interface |
| Description |
+UWSNST:<status_id>,<status_val> | Send for every applicable status |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
status_id | enumerator | Valid values: 0: The current IPv4 address. Note: If network is down this will be regardless of IP setting 1: The current subnet mask Note: If network is down this will be regardless of IP setting 2: The current gateway Note: If network is down this will be regardless of IP setting 3: The current primary DNS server Note: If network is down this will be regardless of IP setting 4: The current secondary DNS server Note: If network is down this will be regardless of IP setting 5: The current IPv6 link local address Note: If network is down this will be [0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000] regardless of IP setting |
status_val | ip_addr | IP address |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UWRD=<reg_domain> | Set the regulatory domain for all Wi-Fi interfaces. This will configure the channel list and power levels for Wi-Fi. Make sure to set the correct code for the region the device will be operating in. Both 2.4 and 5 GHz band is always operative. Set the domain before starting AP or Station Notes: Can be stored using AT&W. |
AT+UWRD? | Read regulatory domain |
| Description |
+UWRD:<reg_domain> | Current regulatory domain |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
reg_domain | enumerator | Regulatory domain Valid values: 0: World Supported Channels; 1-11 36,40,44,48 52,56,60,64 1: ETSI Supported Channels; 1-13 36,40,44,48 52,56,60,64 100,104,108,112,116,120,124,128,132,136,140 149,153,157,161,165 2: FCC Supported Channels; 1-11 36,40,44,48 52,56,60,64 100,104,108,112,116,120,124,128,132,136,140 149,153,157,161,165 3: IC/ISED Supported Channels; 1-11 36,40,44,48 52,56,60,64 100,104,108,112,116,132,136,140,144 149,153,157,161,165 4: NZ/BR Supported Channels; 1-13 36,40,44,48 52,56,60,64 100,104,108,112,116,120,124,128,132,136,140,144 149,153,157,161,165 5: MKK/Japan Supported Channels; 1-14 36,40,44,48 52,56,60,64 100,104,108,112,116,120,124,128,132,136,140,144 6: NCC/Taiwan Supported Channels; 1-11 52,56,60,64 100,104,108,112,116,132,136,140 7: ACMA/AU Supported Channels; 1-13 36,40,44,48 52,56,60,64 100,104,108,112,116,132,136,140,144 149,153,157,161,165 8: KCC/South Korea Supported Channels; 1-13 36,40,44,48 52,56,60,64 100,104,108,112,116,120,124,128,132,136,140,144 149,153,157,161,165 9: SA/South Africa Supported Channels; 1-13 36,40,44,48 52,56,60,64 100,104,108,112,116,120,124,128,132,136,140 |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UWSSC | Initiate synchronous Wi-Fi scan (will lock AT interface until scan has finished) |
AT+UWSSC=<scan_mode>[,<ssid>] | Initiate synchronous Wi-Fi scan (will lock AT interface until scan has finished) |
| Description |
+UWSSC:<bssid>,<ssid>,<channel>,<rssi>,<authentication_suites>,<unicast_ciphers>,<group_ciphers> | Successful scan response |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
scan_mode | enumerator | Choose how to scan Valid values: 0: Active 1: Passive Default value: Active |
bssid | mac_addr | BSSID |
ssid | string | SSID Valid length: 0..32 |
channel | integer | Channel |
rssi | integer | RSSI |
authentication_suites | integer | Authentication suites. Bit 0 = shared secret, 1 = PSK, 2 = EAP, 3 = WPA, 4 = WPA2, 5 = WPA3 |
unicast_ciphers | integer | unicast ciphers. Bit 0 = WEP64, 1 = WEP128, 2 = TKIP, 3 = AES/CCMP |
group_ciphers | integer | group ciphers. Bit 0 = WEP64, 1 = WEP128, 2 = TKIP, 3 = AES/CCMP |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UWSST=<wifi_status_id> | Read status |
AT+UWSST | Read status |
| Description |
+UWSST:<wifi_status_id>,<ssid> | Read response for SSID |
+UWSST:<wifi_status_id>,<bssid> | Read response for BSSID |
+UWSST:<wifi_status_id>,<int_val> | Read response for Channel, Connection status and RSSI |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
ssid | string | SSID Valid length: 0..32 |
wifi_status_id | enumerator | Valid values: 0: SSID of the connected AP 1: BSSID of the connected AP 2: Active channel 3: Connection status, 1 = not connected, 2 = Connected 4: RSSI value of the current connection; will return -32768, if not connected. |
int_val | integer | RSSI, Connection status or Channel |
bssid | mac_addr | BSSID of the connected access point |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UWAPA | Start an access point with the current access point configuration. Notes: Can be stored using AT&W. |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UWAPD | Brings down Wi-Fi access point and disconnect all connected stations Notes: Can be stored using AT&W. |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UWAPCP=<ssid>[,<channel>] | Sets connection parameters for the AP configuration Notes: Can be stored using AT&W. |
AT+UWAPCP? | Read the current connection parameters |
| Description |
+UWAPCP:<ssid>,<channel> | Successful read response |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
ssid | string | SSID Valid length: 0..32 |
channel | enumerator | channel Valid values: 1: 1 2: 2 3: 3 4: 4 5: 5 6: 6 7: 7 8: 8 9: 9 10: 10 11: 11 36: 36 40: 40 44: 44 48: 48 Default value: 6 |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UWAPSW=<passphrase>[,<wpa_version>] | Sets WPA parameters for the AP config Notes: Can be stored using AT&W. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
passphrase | string | Passphrase to use Valid length: 8..63 |
wpa_version | enumerator | Valid values: 0: WPA 2 Default value: WPA 2 |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UWAPSO | Sets security level to open for the AP config Notes: Can be stored using AT&W. |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UWAPS? | Get the current security configuration for Wi-Fi AP |
| Description |
+UWAPS:<security_mode>,<wpa_version> | Response if security mode is WPA |
+UWAPS:<security_mode> | Response if security mode is Open |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
security_mode | enumerator | The current security mode. Valid values: 0: Open security 1: WPA security 2: EAP-TLS security 3: PEAP security |
wpa_version | enumerator | Valid values: 0: WPA 2 Default value: WPA 2 |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UWAPCS? | Get a list of connected stations. One response will be sent for each connected station |
| Description |
+UWAPCS:<mac> | A station that is connected to the access point |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
mac | mac_addr | MAC address of the connected Wi-Fi Station |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UWAPNST=<status_id> | Show current status of Wi-Fi station network interface |
AT+UWAPNST? | Show current status of Wi-Fi station network interface |
| Description |
+UWAPNST:<status_id>,<status_val> | Send for every applicable status |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
status_id | enumerator | Valid values: 0: The current IPv4 address. Note: If network is down this will be regardless of IP setting 1: The current subnet mask Note: If network is down this will be regardless of IP setting 2: The current gateway Note: If network is down this will be regardless of IP setting 3: The current primary DNS server Note: If network is down this will be regardless of IP setting 4: The current secondary DNS server Note: If network is down this will be regardless of IP setting 5: The current IPv6 link local address Note: If network is down this will be [0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000] regardless of IP setting |
status_val | ip_addr | IP address |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UWSROE=<roaming> | Set Wi-Fi station roaming enabled or disabled. Notes: Can be stored using AT&W. |
AT+UWSROE? | Get Wi-Fi station roaming enabled or disabled |
| Description |
+UWSROE:<roaming> | Successful read response |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
roaming | enumerator | Valid values: 0: Disable roaming 1: Enable roaming Default value: 0 |
Get and set Wi-Fi roaming related settings
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UWSROS0=<roaming_scanning_threshold> | Write the threshold for when to start roaming background scanning, in dBm. Notes: Can be stored using AT&W. |
AT+UWSROS0? | Read Connection Interval minium. |
AT+UWSROS1=<roaming_switch_limit> | Write the roaming switch limit. Notes: Can be stored using AT&W. |
AT+UWSROS1? | Read roaming switch limit. |
AT+UWSROS2=<roaming_scan_interval> | Write the interval in milliseconds to trigger roaming background scan. Notes: Can be stored using AT&W. |
AT+UWSROS2? | Read roaming scan interval |
AT+UWSROS3=<roaming_aggressive> | Set aggressive roaming to enabled or disabled. When this option is disabled (default), roaming will perform a connection handover if an newly found Access Point has an RSSI of <roaming_scanning_threshold> + <roaming_switch_limit> dB or better. When this option is enabled, roaming will perform a connection handover if an newly found Access Point has an RSSI that is at least <roaming_switch_limit> dB above its current value. Notes: Can be stored using AT&W. |
AT+UWSROS3? | Get aggressive roaming enabled or disabled. |
AT+UWSROS4=<roaming_delay_time> | Write the delay time roaming waits before performing handover. Notes: Can be stored using AT&W. |
AT+UWSROS4? | Read roaming delay time. |
AT+UWSROS5=<roaming_all_channels> | Set whether to perform roaming on all channels. If set to false the wifi station will only scan the channel used in the current connection. If all access points uses the same channel, roaming on this channel only will give a much faster and less intrusive roaming. Notes: Can be stored using AT&W. |
AT+UWSROS5? | Read whether to perform roaming on all channels. |
| Description |
+UWSROS0:<roaming_scanning_threshold> | Successful read of background scanning threshold. |
+UWSROS1:<roaming_switch_limit> | Successful read of roaming switch limit |
+UWSROS2:<roaming_scan_interval> | Successful read of roaming scan interval in milliseconds. |
+UWSROS3:<roaming_aggressive> | Successful read response |
+UWSROS4:<roaming_delay_time> | Successful read of roaming delay. |
+UWSROS5:<roaming_all_channels> | Successful read. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
roaming_scanning_threshold | integer | Threshold in dBm where background scanning for roaming is started Valid values: -95..0 Default value: -70 |
roaming_switch_limit | integer | Switch limit Valid values: 1..50 Default value: 10 |
roaming_scan_interval | integer | Scan interval Valid values: 100..3600000 Default value: 5000 |
roaming_aggressive | enumerator | Valid values: 0: Disable aggressive roaming 1: Enable aggressive roaming Default value: 0 |
roaming_delay_time | integer | Roaming delay Valid values: 0..30000 Default value: 0 |
roaming_all_channels | enumerator | Roaming on all channels or current channel Valid values: 0: Roaming on current channel 1: Roaming on all channels Default value: 1 |
Unsolicited Response Code | Description |
+UEWLU | Event Wi-Fi Link Up |
+UEWLD | Event Wi-Fi Link Down |
+UEWSNU | Event Wi-Fi Station Network Up |
+UEWSND | Event Wi-Fi Station Network Down |
+UEWSRSI | Event Wi-Fi Station Roaming Switch Initiated |
+UEWSRSF | Event Wi-Fi Station Roaming Switch Failed |
+UEWSRSC | Event Wi-Fi Station Roaming Switch Completed |
+UEWAPNU | Event Wi-Fi Access Point Network Up |
+UEWAPND | Event Wi-Fi Access Point Network Down |
+UEWAPU | Event Wi-Fi Access Point Up |
+UEWAPD | Event Wi-Fi Access Point Down |
+UEWAPSA | Event Wi-Fi Access Point Station Associated |
+UEWAPSDA | Event Wi-Fi Access Point Station Disassociated |
This event is sent when Wi-Fi Link goes up
Syntax +UEWLU:<wlan_handle>,<bssid>,<channel>
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
wlan_handle | integer | Handle to use for Wi-Fi config and connection Valid values: 0 only |
channel | integer | Connected channel |
bssid | mac_addr | BSSID of the connected access point |
This event is sent when Wi-Fi Link goes down
Syntax +UEWLD:<wlan_handle>,<reason>
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
wlan_handle | integer | Handle to use for Wi-Fi config and connection Valid values: 0 only |
reason | integer | Standard 802.11 reason codes |
This event is sent when Wi-Fi Station network is up
Syntax +UEWSNU
This event is sent when Wi-Fi Station network is down
Syntax +UEWSND
This event is sent during Wi-Fi Station Roaming when AP switch is initiated
This event is sent during Wi-Fi Station Roaming when the switch to the new AP failed. After this event the module will try to reconnect to the configured SSID
This event is sent during Wi-Fi Station Roaming when AP switch is completed
Syntax +UEWSRSC:<wlan_handle>,<bssid>,<channel>
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
wlan_handle | integer | Handle to use for Wi-Fi config and connection Valid values: 0 only |
channel | integer | Connected channel |
bssid | mac_addr | BSSID of the connected access point |
This event is sent when Wi-Fi Access Point network is up
This event is sent when Wi-Fi Access Point network is down
This event is sent when Wi-Fi Access Point is started
Syntax +UEWAPU
This event is sent when Wi-Fi Access Point is stopped
Syntax +UEWAPD
This event is sent when a Wi-Fi station has associated with the Wi-Fi Access point
Syntax +UEWAPSA:<mac>
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
mac | mac_addr | Mac address of the connected Wi-Fi station |
This event is sent when a Wi-Fi station has disassociated with the Wi-Fi Access point
Syntax +UEWAPSDA:<mac>
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
mac | mac_addr | MAC address of the connected Wi-Fi station |
The socket AT commands are used for creating and interfacing TCP/UDP sockets.
AT Command | Description |
AT+USOCR | Create Socket |
AT+USOPCR | Create Persistent Socket |
AT+USOTLS | Socket TLS |
AT+USOC | Socket Connect |
AT+USOP | Socket Persistent |
AT+USOPR | Socket Persistent Remove |
AT+USOPL | Socket Persistent List |
AT+USORM | Socket Receive Mode |
AT+USOWS | Socket Write String |
AT+USOWB | Socket Write Binary |
AT+USOCL | Close socket |
AT+USORS | Read Socket String |
AT+USORB | Socket Read Binary |
AT+USOE | Socket Error |
AT+USOL | Socket Listen |
AT+USORF | Socket Read From |
AT+USOPA | Socket Peer Address |
AT+USOST | Socket Status |
AT+USOO | Socket Options |
AT+USOH | Socket Host by Name |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+USOCR=<protocol>[,<preferred_protocol_type>] | Creates a socket and associates it with the specified protocol (TCP or UDP). |
| Description |
+USOCR:<socket_handle> | Successful creation of socket. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
protocol | enumerator | IP protocol. Valid values: 6: TCP 17: UDP |
preferred_protocol_type | enumerator | Selects the IP address type to use. Valid values: 0: IPv4 address. 1: IPv6 address. Default value: 0 |
socket_handle | integer | Socket identifier be used for any operation on that socket. |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+USOPCR=<protocol>[,<preferred_protocol_type>] | Creates a persistent socket and associates it with the specified protocol (TCP or UDP). A persistent socket will automatically re-connect when connection is lost. It can also be stored so that the connection initiated on boot. Notes: Can be stored using AT&W. |
| Description |
+USOPCR:<socket_handle> | Successful creation of persistent socket. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
protocol | enumerator | IP protocol. Valid values: 6: TCP 17: UDP |
preferred_protocol_type | enumerator | Selects the IP address type to use. Valid values: 0: IPv4 address. 1: IPv6 address. Default value: 0 |
socket_handle | integer | Socket identifier be used for any operation on that socket. |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+USOTLS=<socket_handle>,<tls_version>[,<ca_name>[,<client_cert_name>,<client_key_name>]] | Add a TLS context to a socket. This is only valid for TCP client sockets. |
AT+USOTLS=<socket_handle> | Get the TLS context information for a socket. |
| Description |
+USOTLS:<socket_handle>,<tls_version>,<ca_name>,<client_cert_name>,<client_key_name> | Successful response with the TLS context information for the specified socket. The response includes the TLS version, CA name, client certificate name, and client key name. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
tls_version | enumerator | Minimum TLS version to use Valid values: 0: Disable TLS 1: TLS 1.2 or up |
ca_name | string | Name of the certificate authority (CA) certificate to use Valid length: 1..32 |
client_cert_name | string | Name of the client certificate to use Valid length: 1..32 |
client_key_name | string | Name of the private key for client certificate Valid length: 1..32 |
socket_handle | integer | Socket identifier be used for any operation on that socket. |
For a TCP socket, this command will perform the TCP negotiation (3-way handshake) to open a connection and for a UDP socket this command will just declare the remote host address and port for later use with other socket operations.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+USOC=<socket_handle>,<host_address>,<remote_port> | Establish a peer-to-peer connection to the specified remote host on the given remote port. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
host_address | string | Remote host IP address or domain name of the remote host. Valid length: 0..128 |
socket_handle | integer | Socket identifier be used for any operation on that socket. |
remote_port | integer | The port of the remote peer. Valid values: 1..65535 |
This command is non-blocking by default (can be configured with AT+USOO).
Notes for TCP sockets:
When socket is non-blocking (default), a connection is not fully set up until +UESOC URC is received.
Notes for UDP sockets:
Errors will not be reported prior to an attempt to write or read data on the socket.
Since UDP is connectionless no +UESOC event will be sent, instead as soon as this command return OK the socket is ready for reading/writing data.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+USOP=<socket_handle>,<host_address>,<remote_port> | Configure a TCP link with automatic re-connection. As opposed to AT+USOC, this command will not initiate a connection directly but is used for configuring a link that is automatically setup on boot. Notes: Requires AT&W and a reboot before taking effect. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
host_address | string | Remote host IP address or domain name. Valid length: 0..128 |
socket_handle | integer | Socket identifier be used for any operation on that socket. |
remote_port | integer | The port of the remote peer. Valid values: 1..65535 |
Example of setting up a persistent TCP client connection that is loaded on boot:
Please note that WiFi must also be setup.
Only one configuration is supported at the moment.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+USOPR=<config_id> | Removes an persistent socket configuration created by AT+USOPCR. Notes: Can be stored using AT&W. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
config_id | integer | Configuration ID |
The corresponding socket will be automatically closed.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+USOPL? | List all persistent socket configurations. |
| Description |
+USOPL:<socket_handle>,<host_address>,<remote_port> | The response for each persistent configuration. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
config_id | integer | Configuration ID. |
host_address | string | Remote host IP address or domain name of the remote host. Valid length: 0..128 |
socket_handle | integer | Socket identifier be used for any operation on that socket. |
remote_port | integer | The port of the remote peer. Valid values: 1..65535 |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+USORM=<read_mode> | Set the mode in which you would like to receive data in AT mode. Notes: Any created sockets or created persistent sockets will use the same receive mode as was configured when they were created Requires AT&W and a reboot before taking effect. |
AT+USORM? | Read the current receive mode |
| Description |
+USORM:<read_mode> | Successful read response |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
read_mode | enumerator | Modes to read data in AT Valid values: 0: Buffered mode 1: Direct String mode 2: Direct Binary Mode |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+USOWS=<socket_handle>,<string_data> | Writes string data to the specified socket. The command can be used for both TCP and UDP sockets after calling AT+USOC. If socket is not ready to be written, generic negative error will be returned. Check BSD errno (see BSD standard) by calling AT+USOE. |
| Description |
+USOWS:<socket_handle>,<written_length> | Successful write response. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
written_length | integer | Data length that was written. |
socket_handle | integer | Socket identifier be used for any operation on that socket. |
string_data | string | Data encoded as ascii chars. Valid length: 0..1000 |
This command is non-blocking.
The command may respond writing less data than what was passed to the command.
This means that the socket transmit buffer is currently full and data not successfully written must be retransmitted later.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+USOWB=<socket_handle>{binary_data} | Writes binary data to the specified socket in binary mode. |
| Description |
+USOWB:<socket_handle>,<written_length> | Successful write response. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
written_length | integer | Data length that was actually written to socket. |
binary_data | binary | The data to write. |
socket_handle | integer | Socket identifier be used for any operation on that socket. |
This command is non-blocking.
The command may respond writing less data than what was passed to the command.
This means that the socket transmit buffer is currently full and data not successfully written must be retransmitted later.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+USOCL=<socket_handle> | Closes the specified socket. The command blocks the AT command interface until the completion of the socket close operation. When this function returns OK the socket is cleaned up and fully closed. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
socket_handle | integer | Socket identifier to be used for any future operation on that socket. Valid values: 0..256 |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+USORS=<socket_handle>,<length> | Reads the specified amount of data from the specified socket. Note that the data should include no null terminator characters. |
| Description |
+USORS:<socket_handle>,<length>,<string_data> | Successful read response. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
length | integer | Number of bytes to read. Valid values: 1..1000 |
socket_handle | integer | Socket identifier be used for any operation on that socket. |
string_data | string | Data encoded as ascii chars. Valid length: 0..1000 |
This command is non-blocking.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+USORB=<socket_handle>,<length> | Reads the specified amount of data from the specified socket in binary mode. |
| Description |
+USORB:<socket_handle>{binary_data} | Successful read response. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
length | integer | Number of bytes to read. Valid values: 1..1000 |
binary_data | binary | The available data. Please note that the number of bytes may be less than requested. |
socket_handle | integer | Socket identifier be used for any operation on that socket. |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+USOE | Retrieves the last error that occurred in any socket operation, stored in the socket errno. |
| Description |
+USOE:<error_code> | Successful response. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
error_code | integer | BSD error code. See BSD standard for error code definitions. |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+USOL=<socket_handle>,<port> | Sets the specified socket in listening mode on the specified port of service, waiting for incoming connections (TCP) or data (UDP). |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
port | integer | Port of service, range 1-65535. Port numbers below 1024 are not recommended since they are usually reserved Valid values: 1..65535 |
socket_handle | integer | Socket identifier be used for any operation on that socket. |
For TCP sockets this command corresponds to BSD bind + listen and for UDP sockets BSD bind.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+USORF=<socket_handle>,<length> | Reads the specified amount of data from the specified UDP socket. |
| Description |
+USORF:<socket_handle>,<remote_ip>,<remote_port>,<length>,<string_data> | Successful read response. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
length | integer | Number of bytes to read. Valid values: 1..900 |
socket_handle | integer | Socket identifier be used for any operation on that socket. |
remote_ip | ip_addr | The ip address of the remote peer. |
remote_port | integer | The port of the remote peer. Valid values: 1..65535 |
string_data | string | Data encoded as ascii chars. Valid length: 0..1000 |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+USOPA=<socket_handle> | Get the address of remote peer. |
| Description |
+USOPA:<socket_handle>,<remote_ip>,<remote_port> | Successful read response. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
socket_handle | integer | Socket identifier be used for any operation on that socket. |
remote_ip | ip_addr | The ip address of the remote peer. |
remote_port | integer | The port of the remote peer. Valid values: 1..65535 |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+USOST? | List status for all created sockets. |
AT+USOST=<socket_handle> | Get the status of a specific socket. |
| Description |
+USOST:<socket_handle>,<protocol>,<socket_status> | Response for each created socket. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
socket_status | enumerator | Valid values: 0: Not Connected 1: Listening 2: Connected |
socket_handle | integer | Socket identifier be used for any operation on that socket. |
protocol | enumerator | IP protocol. Valid values: 6: TCP 17: UDP |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+USOO=<socket_handle>,<option>,<value> | Set a socket option. See available options below. |
AT+USOO=<socket_handle>,<option> | Read a socket option for a socket |
| Description |
+USOO:<socket_handle>,<option>,<value> | Successful read response |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
option | enumerator | Available options to set Valid values: 0: Turn on/off No delay feature for TCP sockets. Integer flag: 0 = off (i.e. Nagle algorithm enabled), 1 = on (i.e. Nagle algorithm disabled) Default: to 0 1: Set socket to be blocking or non blocking. Integer flag: 0 = off, 1 = on. Sockets are non-blocking by default (Note that read/write will always be non-blocking). Can only be set while the socket is in a non connected state. Note: Only valid for non-persistent TCP sockets, will have no effect on UDP sockets 2: Keep connections alive by sending keepalive probes. Integer flag: 0 = off, 1 = on. To calculate the keepalive time us this formula KeepIdle + (KeepIntvl * KeepCnt). Defaults to 1. Note: Only valid for TCP sockets. 3: Set Keep Idle value for the socket. This specifies the amount of time (in sec) that the connection must be idle before sending keepalive probes (if keepalive is enabled). Defaults to 3. Note: Only valid for TCP sockets. 4: Set keep alive interval value for the socket. This is the time in seconds between two successive keepalive retransmissions. Defaults to 3. Note: Only valid for TCP sockets. 5: Set keep alive counter value for the socket. The number of unanswered probes required to force closure of the socket. Defaults to 3. Note: Only valid for TCP sockets. |
value | integer | See option parameter |
socket_handle | integer | Socket identifier be used for any operation on that socket. |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+USOH=<host_name> | Does a DNS lookup of a host name and returns the IP address. |
| Description |
+USOH:<host_ip> | Successful read response. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
host_name | string | Name to lookup. Valid length: 0..128 |
host_ip | ip_addr | The ip address of the host. |
Unsolicited Response Code | Description |
+UESOC | Event Socket Connection |
+UESODA | Event Socket Data Available |
+UESODS | Event Socket Data String |
+UESODSF | Event Socket Data String From |
+UESODB} | Event Socket Data Binary |
+UESODBF} | Event Socket Data Binary From |
+UESOCL | Event Socket Closed |
+UESOIC | Event Socket Incoming Connection |
Event is sent out after a successful connection to a remote peer.
Syntax +UESOC:<socket_handle>
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
socket_handle | integer | Socket identifier be used for any operation on that socket. |
TCP only.
Data is available to be read. This will be sent out when using the buffered data mode.
Syntax +UESODA:<socket_handle>,<number_bytes>
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
number_bytes | integer | Number of bytes available to read. If socket is a UDP socket this number refers to the size of the next datagram. |
socket_handle | integer | Socket identifier be used for any operation on that socket. |
Incoming on TCP socket data represented as a string.
Syntax +UESODS:<socket_handle>,<string_data>
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
socket_handle | integer | Socket identifier be used for any operation on that socket. |
string_data | string | Data encoded as ascii chars. Valid length: 0..1000 |
Incoming on UDP socket data represented as a string.
Syntax +UESODSF:<socket_handle>,<remote_ip>,<remote_port>,<string_data>
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
socket_handle | integer | Socket identifier be used for any operation on that socket. |
remote_ip | ip_addr | The ip address of the remote peer. |
remote_port | integer | The port of the remote peer. Valid values: 1..65535 |
string_data | string | Data encoded as ascii chars. Valid length: 0..1000 |
Incoming on TCP socket data represented as binary data.
Syntax +UESODB:<socket_handle>{binary_data}
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
binary_data | binary | The received data. |
socket_handle | integer | Socket identifier be used for any operation on that socket. |
Incoming on UDP socket data represented as binary data.
Syntax +UESODBF:<socket_handle>,<remote_ip>,<remote_port>{binary_data}
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
binary_data | binary | The received data. |
socket_handle | integer | Socket identifier be used for any operation on that socket. |
remote_ip | ip_addr | The ip address of the remote peer. |
remote_port | integer | The port of the remote peer. Valid values: 1..65535 |
Event is sent out either when a socket was closed (by the remote or timed out) or when a connection to a remote peer has failed.
When this event is sent out the socket has been fully closed and the handle can be re-used.
Syntax +UESOCL:<socket_handle>
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
socket_handle | integer | Socket identifier be used for any operation on that socket. |
If there are unread data available, this event will not be sent out until all data has been read.
This event is sent when there is an incoming connection for a server socket.
Syntax +UESOIC:<socket_handle>,<remote_ip>,<listening_socket_handle>
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
listening_socket_handle | integer | The handle of the new connected socket. Use this for any further operations on the connection. |
socket_handle | integer | Socket identifier be used for any operation on that socket. |
remote_ip | ip_addr | The ip address of the remote peer. |
MQTT Commands
AT Command | Description |
AT+UMQCP | MQTT Connection Parameters |
AT+UMQC | MQTT Connect to Broker |
AT+UMQKA | MQTT Keep Alive |
AT+UMQLWT | MQTT Last Will and Testament |
AT+UMQTLS | MQTT TLS Configuration |
AT+UMQDC | MQTT Disconnect |
AT+UMQPS | MQTT Publish String |
AT+UMQPB | MQTT Publish Binary |
AT+UMQS | MQTT Subscribe |
AT+UMQRS | MQTT Read String |
AT+UMQRB | MQTT Read Binary |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UMQCP=<mqtt_id>,<hostname>,<port>[,<client_id>[,<username>[,<password>]]] | Set the MQTT connection parameters. Notes: Can be stored using AT&W. |
AT+UMQCP=<mqtt_id> | Get the MQTT connection parameters. |
| Description |
+UMQCP:<mqtt_id>,<hostname>,<port>,<client_id>,<username> | Successful read response |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
hostname | string | Hostname or IP address of the broker Valid length: 0..128 |
port | integer | The port of the broker Valid values: 1..65535 |
client_id | string | Client ID. Can be left empty to let the broker decide Valid length: 0..128 |
username | string | Valid length: 0..128 |
password | string | Valid length: 0..128 |
mqtt_id | integer | MQTT Config ID Valid values: 0 only |
Empty strings for username and password mean they will not be used during the connection.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UMQC=<mqtt_id> | Connect to a broker using the MQTT config ID. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
mqtt_id | integer | MQTT Config ID Valid values: 0 only |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UMQKA=<mqtt_id>,<keep_alive> | Set keepalive timeout for MQTT the MQTT config Notes: Can be stored using AT&W. |
AT+UMQKA=<mqtt_id> | Get keepalive timeout for MQTT config |
| Description |
+UMQKA:<mqtt_id>,<keep_alive> | Successful read response |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
mqtt_id | integer | MQTT Config ID Valid values: 0 only |
keep_alive | integer | MQTT keepalive in seconds. If set to 0, no keepalive is used Valid values: 0..65535 Default value: 60 |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UMQLWT=<mqtt_id>,<topic>,<will_msg>[,<qos>[,<retain>]] | Add last will and testament configuration for the client Notes: Can be stored using AT&W. |
AT+UMQLWT=<mqtt_id> | Get last will and testament configuration for the client |
| Description |
+UMQLWT<mqtt_id>,<topic>,<will_msg>,<qos>,<retain> | Successful read response |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
will_msg | string | Valid length: 0..256 |
mqtt_id | integer | MQTT Config ID Valid values: 0 only |
topic | string | Topic name or filter (wildcard allowed) Valid length: 0..256 |
qos | enumerator | Quality of Service (QoS) for the message or topic Valid values: 0: At most once 1: At least once 2: Exactly once Default value: 0 |
retain | enumerator | Retain flag for message Valid values: 0: Do not retain message on broker 1: Retain message on broker Default value: 0 |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UMQTLS=<mqtt_id>,<tls_version>[,<ca_name>[,<client_cert_name>,<client_key_name>]] | Setup MQTT TLS config. Certs do not have to be uploaded until connection. Notes: Can be stored using AT&W. |
AT+UMQTLS=<mqtt_id> | Get TLS config |
| Description |
+UMQTLS:<mqtt_id>,<tls_version>,<ca_name>,<client_cert_name>,<client_key_name> | Successful read response |
+UMQTLS:<mqtt_id>,<tls_version> | Successful read response with TLS off |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
tls_version | enumerator | Minimum TLS version to use Valid values: 0: Disable TLS 1: TLS 1.2 or up |
ca_name | string | Name of the certificate authority (CA) certificate to use Valid length: 1..32 |
client_cert_name | string | Name of the client certificate to use Valid length: 1..32 |
client_key_name | string | Name of the private key for client certificate Valid length: 1..32 |
mqtt_id | integer | MQTT Config ID Valid values: 0 only |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UMQDC=<mqtt_id> | Disconnect the MQTT client from the broker. Note that the disconnection is not complete until the +UEMQDC URC arrives. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
mqtt_id | integer | MQTT Config ID Valid values: 0 only |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UMQPS=<mqtt_id>,<qos>,<retain>,<topic>,<message> | Publish an MQTT message in string format to the specified topic. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
mqtt_id | integer | MQTT Config ID Valid values: 0 only |
qos | enumerator | Quality of Service (QoS) for the message or topic Valid values: 0: At most once 1: At least once 2: Exactly once Default value: 0 |
retain | enumerator | Retain flag for message Valid values: 0: Do not retain message on broker 1: Retain message on broker Default value: 0 |
topic | string | Topic name or filter (wildcard allowed) Valid length: 0..256 |
message | string | MQTT message Valid length: 0..730 |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UMQPB=<mqtt_id>,<qos>,<retain>,<topic>{binary_data} | Publish an MQTT message in binary format to the specified topic. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
binary_data | binary | The MQTT message data. |
mqtt_id | integer | MQTT Config ID Valid values: 0 only |
qos | enumerator | Quality of Service (QoS) for the message or topic Valid values: 0: At most once 1: At least once 2: Exactly once Default value: 0 |
retain | enumerator | Retain flag for message Valid values: 0: Do not retain message on broker 1: Retain message on broker Default value: 0 |
topic | string | Topic name or filter (wildcard allowed) Valid length: 0..256 |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UMQS=<mqtt_id>,<subscribe_action>,<topic>[,<qos>] | Subscribe or unsubscribe to/from MQTT topic. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
subscribe_action | enumerator | Valid values: 0: Subscribe to topic 1: Unsubscribe from topic |
mqtt_id | integer | MQTT Config ID Valid values: 0 only |
topic | string | Topic name or filter (wildcard allowed) Valid length: 0..256 |
qos | enumerator | Quality of Service (QoS) for the message or topic Valid values: 0: At most once 1: At least once 2: Exactly once Default value: 0 |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UMQRS=<mqtt_id> | Read available MQTT message in string format. |
| Description |
+UMQRS:<mqtt_id>,<topic>,<message_len>,<message> | Successful read response |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
mqtt_id | integer | MQTT Config ID Valid values: 0 only |
topic | string | Topic name or filter (wildcard allowed) Valid length: 0..256 |
message_len | integer | Length of the MQTT message |
message | string | MQTT message Valid length: 0..730 |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UMQRB=<mqtt_id> | Read available MQTT message in binary format. |
| Description |
+UMQRB:<mqtt_id>,<topic>{binary_data} | Successful read response |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
binary_data | binary | The MQTT message data. |
mqtt_id | integer | MQTT Config ID Valid values: 0 only |
topic | string | Topic name or filter (wildcard allowed) Valid length: 0..256 |
Unsolicited Response Code | Description |
+UEMQC | Event MQTT Connected |
+UEMQDC | Event MQTT Disconnected |
+UEMQDA | Event MQTT Data Available |
Connected to MQTT broker
Syntax +UEMQC:<mqtt_id>
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
mqtt_id | integer | MQTT Config ID Valid values: 0 only |
Disconnected from MQTT Broker
Syntax +UEMQDC:<mqtt_id>,<disconnect_reason>
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
disconnect_reason | integer | Disconnection reason |
mqtt_id | integer | MQTT Config ID Valid values: 0 only |
Syntax +UEMQDA:<mqtt_id>,<message_len>
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
mqtt_id | integer | MQTT Config ID Valid values: 0 only |
message_len | integer | Length of the MQTT message |
Security AT commands
AT Command | Description |
AT+USECR | Security Certificate Remove |
AT+USECUB | Security Certificate Upload Binary |
AT+USECL | Security Certificates List |
AT+USETE | Security TLS Extensions |
AT+USETE0 | Security TLS Extensions Server Name Indication |
AT+USETE1 | Security TLS Extensions Handshake Fragmentation |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+USECR=<cert_type>,<name> | Remove a single X.509 certificate or private key. |
AT+USECR | Remove all X.509 certificates and private keys. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
cert_type | enumerator | Valid values: 0: Root certificate 1: Client certificate 2: Client private key |
name | string | Valid length: 1..32 |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+USECUB=<cert_type>,<name>{binary_data} | Write an X.509 certificate or private key using binary transfer. |
AT+USECUB=<cert_type>,<name>,<password>{binary_data} | Write an X.509 certificate or private key with password using binary transfer. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
binary_data | binary | The certificate data. |
cert_type | enumerator | Valid values: 0: Root certificate 1: Client certificate 2: Client private key |
name | string | Valid length: 1..32 |
password | string | Decryption password; applicable only for PKCS8 encrypted client private keys. The maximum length is 64 characters. NOTE: Supported Encryption method for private keys is AES only Valid length: 1..64 |
Note that the size of the certificate can be maximum 15360 bytes and that maximum 8 certs (or cert chains) can be stored simultaneously
AT Command
| Description |
AT+USECL? | Read all uploaded certificate names |
| Description |
+USECL:<cert_type>,<name> | Successful read response. Note that there will be one response per certificate |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
cert_type | enumerator | Valid values: 0: Root certificate 1: Client certificate 2: Client private key |
name | string | Valid length: 1..32 |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+USETE? | Read all TLS extension settings |
| Description |
+USETE:<extension>,<enabled> | Successful read response |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
extension | enumerator | Valid values: 0: Server Name Extension 1: Handshake fragmentation |
enabled | enumerator | Valid values: 0: Disabled 1: Enabled |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+USETE0=<enabled> | Turn Server Name Indication TLS extension on and off on a system level Notes: Can be stored using AT&W. |
AT+USETE0? | Read Server Name Indication setting |
| Description |
+USETE0:<enabled> | Successful read response |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
enabled | enumerator | Valid values: 0: Disabled 1: Enabled |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+USETE1=<enabled> | Turn Handshake Fragmentation TLS extension on and off on a system level Notes: Can be stored using AT&W. |
AT+USETE1? | Read Handshake Fragmentation setting |
| Description |
+USETE1:<enabled> | Successful read response |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
enabled | enumerator | Valid values: 0: Disabled 1: Enabled |
AT Command | Description |
AT+UPMDS | Power Management Deep Sleep |
AT+UPMPSTO | Power Management Power Save Timeout |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UPMDS | Enter Deep Sleep Mode. |
AT+UPMPSL Power Management Power Save Level
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UPMPSL=<level> | Set Power Save Level. |
AT+UPMPSL? | Read Power Save Level. |
| Description |
+UPMPSL:<level> | Response with current Power Save Level. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
level | integer | Power save level Valid values: 0 or 1 Default value: 0 |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UPMPSTO=<timeoutMs> | Set Power Save active state timeout in milli second . |
AT+UPMPSTO? | Read Power Save active state TO. |
| Description |
+UPMPSTO:<timeoutMs> | Response with current active state timeout value in milli second. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
timeoutMs | integer | Active state timeout ms Valid values: 1..60000 Default value: 1000 |
Transparent Mode AT commands. In transparent mode all data that is sent from the host to the UART is
forwarded to the socket or SPS link that is configured for transparent mode, and the all data that arrives
on this link is sent to the UART.
Transparent mode is limited to one link at a time.
AT Command | Description |
AT+UTM | Transparent Mode |
AT+UTMP | Transparent Mode Persistent |
AT+UTMPC | Transparent Mode Persistent Clear |
Use this command to directly switch to transparent mode for a specific SPS link or a socket.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UTM=<link_type>,<handle> | Enter Transparent Mode |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
handle | integer | For SPS links, set this to the connection handle For sockets, set this to the socket handle |
link_type | enumerator | Valid values: 0: BLE SPS Link 1: Socket |
This command is used for automatically setting up a transparent mode connection on boot.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UTMP=<link_type>,<config_id> | Set persistent transparent mode for link Notes: Requires AT&W and a reboot before taking effect. |
AT+UTMP? | Get current persistent transparent mode configuration |
| Description |
+UTMP:<link_type_read>,<config_id> | Successful read response. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
config_id | integer | For SPS, set this to the config_id returned by AT+UBTP. For sockets, set this to the config_id returned by AT+USOP. |
link_type | enumerator | Valid values: 0: BLE SPS Link 1: Socket |
link_type_read | enumerator | Valid values: -1: No link type set 0: BLE SPS Link 1: Socket |
Clears the persistent link configuration for transparent mode.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UTMPC | Clears persistent transparent mode settings Notes: Can be stored using AT&W. |
Diagnostics Tools
AT Command | Description |
AT+UDGP | Diagnostics Ping |
AT+UDGSP | Stop an ongoing Ping |
AT+UDGI | Diagnostics Iperf |
Send a ping command.
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UDGP=<destination>[,<count>] | Sends a ping command to a destination address every second, repeating it (count) times. |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
destination | string | Destination host to send a ping call to in the form of an IPv4 address (i.e. or hostname (i.e. www.u-blox.com). Valid length: 4..80 |
count | integer | The number of pings (or packets) that will be transmitted. 0 means ping continuously. Valid values: 0..65535 Default value: 4 |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UDGSP | This command will stop any ping in progress. Notes: The command is asynchronous, and the ping will not be interrupted immediately, but right after the next ping packet has a response, which might take a few seconds if the packet response times out. This command always returns OK and does nothing if there is no ping in progress. |
AT Command
| Description |
AT+UDGI=<iperf_action>,<protocol_type>[,<role>,<port>,<report_interval>[,<time_boundary>,<ip_addr>[,<length>[,<bandwidth>[,<bidirectional>]]]]] | Start/stop IPERF 2 server/client |
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
iperf_action | enumerator | Action Valid values: 1: Start iperf 2: Stop iperf |
protocol_type | enumerator | IP protocol Valid values: 1: TCP 2: UDP |
role | enumerator | Role Valid values: 1: Server 2: Client |
port | integer | Port |
report_interval | integer | Report interval |
time_boundary | integer | Time boundary. Client only. Ignored if role is server |
ip_addr | ip_addr | IP address to connect to. Client only. Ignored if role is server |
bandwidth | integer | Bandwidth to be used for UDP |
length | integer | Size of packets. Valid values: 1..1460 Default value: 1460 |
bidirectional | enumerator | Bidirectional flag. Client only. Ignored if role is server Valid values: 0: Off 1: On When starting bidirectional TCP test, start a server on both tester and DUT, then start a client with bidirectional flag on the DUT. If doing bidirectional UDP test, start a server on both DUT and tester and then start a client with a bidirectional flag on both. |
Unsolicited Response Code | Description |
+UEDGPC | Event Ping Complete |
+UEDGP | Event Ping Response |
+UEDGI | Event Iperf output |
Event is sent out with a summary of the ping results after all packets are transmitted.
Syntax +UEDGPC:<transmitted_packets>,<received_packets>,<packet_loss_rate>,<avg_response_time>
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
transmitted_packets | integer | Total number of packets transmitted successfully. |
received_packets | integer | Total number of packets received successfully. |
packet_loss_rate | integer | Packet loss rate in percentage between transmitted and received packets. |
avg_response_time | integer | Average ping response time in milliseconds. |
Event is sent out when a single ping has a result.
Syntax +UEDGP:<ping_response>,<response_time>
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
ping_response | enumerator | Ping Response result. 0 - ping failed, 1 - ping successful Valid values: 0: Ping failed. 1: Ping succeeded. |
response_time | integer | Ping response time in milliseconds. |
Event is sent out for all output string send by iperf tool
Syntax +UEDGI:<iperf_output>
Defined values
Parameter | Type | Description |
iperf_output | string | Iperf readable output string Valid length: 0..99 |
All notable changes in the NORA-W36 AT commands manual will be documented here.
The main feature in this release is updated mbedTLS and lwip stack, bugfixes and improvements.
EAP-TLS Identity parameter AT+UWSSE
Persistent UDP support AT+USOP
The main feature in this release is Wi-Fi roaming and low power modes.
Roaming commands AT+UWSROE
and roaming events UEWSRSI
Low power commands AT+UPMPSL
Changed name on all events to start with Event, eg. +UESOC - Event Socket Connection.
Changed to {binary_data} to be more clear about the Binary data format.
Some broken links was fixed and improved.
First release for NORA-W36 with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth support and with new and improved AT commad set, not backwards compatilbe with previous u-connectXpress versions.
u-blox AG
Address: Zürcherstrasse 68
8800 Thalwil
For further support and contact information, visit us at www.u-blox.com/support.