ANT-B10 antenna board
Bluetooth Low Energy 5.1 antenna board
Bluetooth 5.1 direction-finding antenna board
Bluetooth 5.1 direction-finding antenna board with NINA-B411 standalone Bluetooth module and three-element antenna array. Runs u-locateEmbed software.
The ANT-B11 is a compact antenna board designed specifically for Bluetooth angle-of-arrival (AoA) direction finding systems. It features three-patch antenna elements in an arrangement combining performance and small PCB size. It can measure the angle of an incoming Bluetooth Low Energy radio signal and determine with great accuracy the direction of a Bluetooth LE device in an indoors environment.
It features the NINA-B411 Bluetooth 5.1 standalone module running the u-locateEmbed* software, which implements the unique u-blox direction-finding algorithm for high-precision indoor positioning. The digital interfaces of the NINA-B411 module are connected to a standard, widely available pin header, allowing easy connection to an application board, thus forming a complete AoA anchor point.
Angles from three or more ANT-B11 boards can be combined with suitable positioning engine software to achieve 2-D indoor positioning. ANT-B11 is fully compatible with u-locateEngine, the unique positioning engine from u-blox.
* Note: u-locateEmbed was previously named u-connectLocate.