The connected vehicle – today and tomorrow

130 years ago Carl Benz had his first car patented. Since then, constant innovation has driven the industry. Today, the connected vehicle – cars, trucks and the like – is impacting this trend more than ever before. And it is only the beginning. How will the Internet of Things revolutionize the automotive industry? Let’s have a look at the future…

More than transportation
The Internet of Things is not only influencing the behavior of individuals, but also forces the OEMs to change their attitude: towards real-time connectivity, high-speed data exchange and precise positioning. For the first time, sensing, communicating and decision-making take place at a machine-to-machine level, bringing automotive transportation way beyond entertainment, into the realm of the “Internet of Things that Really Matter".

Would you have known?
Looking at the applications made possible by the connected vehicle trend, one can only be amazed by what is already possible and by what could be implemented in the future. Have a look – would you have known?


The potential of new safety features is enormous. Vehicles connected to each other (V2V) or to the infrastructure (V2I) via cellular or short range radio combined with precise positioning will have a positive effect on accident statistics. Improved driver information already enables anticipated driving in-line with the traffic, no matter the conditions. The so called ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) also influence other technical functions in the car:  automatic braking, lane control as well as automated emergency call services.


Short range radio, cellular and GNSS technologies enable new business models for V2I such as pay for parking, road toll or fuel thanks to precise positioning and direct data exchange with the cloud.


Video streaming has been available for a while, but simultaneous streaming of up to eight HD video channels while you are enjoying a car ride is on its way. Low latency 4G connectivity, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth make the car your home with high quality stereo sound transmission and reception, remotely controlled entertainment and links to smart home applications. Location-aware advertizing, automatic check-in as you approach your hotel – the more “the system” knows about you, the more tailored the services can be.


As the intelligent car seat knows about the driver’s physical state, airflow, heating and in-seat massage will be automatically adjusted. Displays of electronic devices will be mirrored in the car’s console for easy access via touch screens – more comfort features to come.

Vehicle management

Whether it is a taxi or a truck company – fleet management will improve in the future. Connected telematics will help to monitor car performance, maintenance cycles, but also driver behavior. Knowing where the vehicles are and how they are driven will influence pricing as well as cost-saving location-aware services and usage-based insurance (UBI).

Smart home integration

The connected car will enable our home to switch on the heating while the car is approaching. The door will be unlocked and lighting will be switched on. Music downloads, route plans made from the home computer will be transferred to the car and so the next trip is planned and prepared in one instance.

Autonomous vehicle  

Hosting a conference call while on a business trip with the car; collecting parcels by taking the quickest route and delivering them  on the same tour; talking intensely on the way to the theater; – safe, comfortable, relaxed and connected. This is the autonomous vehicle of tomorrow.


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Check out the u-blox offering for Cellular, Short Range and Positioning products and solutions for your future applications.