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Our uGive program provides an incentive to our employees to volunteer for causes of their choice. For every hour an employee volunteers for a cause, u-blox donates CHF 20, up to a maximum of CHF 800. A wide variety of organizations has benefited from uGive, from the Scouts Australia to the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association in the UK and the Italian bone marrow donor association, ADMO.
Jonathan Perkins, Senior Principal Engineer, u-blox UK and volunteer
“I'm a volunteer fundraiser and local group treasurer for the Guide Dogs for the Blind charity in the UK - a cause close to my heart as my wife is a guide dog owner - so I can see first-hand how much of a difference they can make to people’s lives.
Guide Dogs work includes breeding and training the dogs through a network of volunteer puppy walkers and professional trainers; specifically matching by temperament and ability a dog to an owner’s needs; supporting the owner and dog partnership throughout the dog's working life; providing a volunteer human guide service to those unable to use a dog; providing support services for families with visually impaired children.
My volunteering includes helping to run fundraising and information stalls at local village fairs and supermarket collection days. As treasurer, I am also responsible for all our local collection boxes, counting and banking all the money raised. It is great fun taking part in the events; we can have guide dog puppies on the stand to meet the public which always makes people smile. I'm really pleased that through uGive, u-blox has donated over £500 to Guide Dogs, so thank you!”