u-blox M10 GNSS evaluation kit


  • Easy-to-use kit including antenna, cabling and software package for evaluation of all u-blox M10 GNSS features
  • Rugged housing with pin-header for full access to all I/O ports of the u-blox M10 chip
  • On-board power consumption sensors

Product variants


u-blox M10 GNSS evaluation kit for MAX-M10S and MIA-M10Q modules and for the UBX-M10050-KB chip with TCXO


u-blox M10 GNSS evaluation kit for MAX-M10M and MIA-M10C modules and for the UBX-M10050-KB chip with crystal oscillator


u-blox M10 GNSS evaluation kit for UBX-M10150-CC chip and TCXO oscillator

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Related links
Product description
Kit includes
Setup steps
Documentation & resources

EVK-M10 is perfect for evaluating the performance of u-blox M10 positioning technology in an easy way. It comes in a rugged metal housing with a compact size of 105 x 64 x 26 mm.

The 14-pin front connector gives access to all chip interface pins and allows current measurements as well. Your application board can interface the embedded u-blox M10 chip through the SPI or I2C bus.

EVK-M10 comes with u-center PC software for configuration, testing, visualization, and data analysis of u-blox GNSS products. u-center provides useful assistance during all phases of a system integration project.

The EVK-M10 is powered through the USB interface. A PC running u-center can either be connected through USB or RS232 interface. On-board power consumption sensors allow measurements over time by help of the included u-center GNSS evaluation software.

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