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Dear Readers,
In this tenth edition of “u” we delve into a particularly timely topic: the global healthcare sector and the potential that wireless technologies and the Internet of Things have to give it a facelift that is both vitally important and long overdue.
Despite the vast and varied challenges that the global COVID-19 pandemic has brought upon us, there is ample ground for optimism. Repeatedly, we have seen how in times of crisis innovation and technological adoption go into overdrive. And we are seeing it again, across industries. We are living through a societal, technological, and economic inflection point that is unlikely to be undone, even once the pandemic subsides.
In these pages, we peer into the future of healthcare and explore the many ways it will be transformed by digital technologies. In our expert interview, we dissect the wireless technologies that will make the transition possible and take stock of the barriers that are holding it back. We investigate how smart, reliable, and secure wireless communication and services will become indispensable as data takes on a growing role in diagnosing disease, streamlining healthcare delivery, cutting costs, and keeping medical supply chains running smoothly. And we look at how increasingly sophisticated consumer and medical devices will improve our health and wellbeing.
In these extraordinary times, we would like to thank you, our loyal customers across all sectors. Not only for your continued trust, but also for the ingenious ways in which you deploy our technological solutions to make the world a better and more sustainable place.
We wish you good health, and a smart and enjoyable read!
Thomas Seiler, CEO
* The 10th edition of u-blox Magazine about e-Health was initially published on November 2020