Business Ethics - Living our values

Code of Conduct: a clear-cut guide to getting things right

Our Code of Conduct sets out practical guidelines on doing business the right way and how we relate to customers, communities and colleagues. Our employees and business associates are from a wide range of different cultural backgrounds. It is, therefore, crucial that we have a formal set of common values that clearly define what we understand by correct behavior. The Code and related information can be found on the corporate intranet in six languages.

The referenced media source is missing and needs to be re-embedded.

Anti-corruption: if it’s suspect, it’s a no-go

u-blox takes a zero-tolerance stance on bribery and corruption. We provide guidelines for compliance with rules and laws related to bribery and corruption. All Group employees have had online access to detailed coaching on our Code of Conduct and anti-corruption measures.

UN Global Compact: aiming to meet the highest standards

u-blox became a signatory to the UN Global Compact in 2012 and fully embraces the organization’s policies and principles, particularly on human rights. The Compact is a public/private strategic policy initiative for businesses committed to aligning operations and strategies with ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labor, the environment and anti-corruption. We report yearly on progress made in implementing the ten principles. The Communication on Progress (COP) can be viewed at
UN Global Compact logo